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Installing DReyeVR to a working Carla 0.9.13 build


  • To continue, this guide assumes the following:
    • You have SteamVR (free) installed and are using a SteamVR compatible headset.
      • For eye tracking, we assume you are specifically using an HTC Vive Pro Eye headset, but this is optional as eye tracking can be disabled.
    • If you need help setting up Carla/UE4 for VR. Take a look at for a more in-depth explanation.
    • You have Unreal Engine 4.26 (Carla) installed from source
    • You are running a Windows 10 or Linux x86-64 machine
    • IMPORTANT: You have a fully functional vanilla Carla 0.9.13 build installed
    • (Optional) You have a fully functional default Carla Scenario Runner v0.9.13 build
      • Simply clone git clone -b v0.9.13 and verify it works with your carla build
  • Tl;dr:Make sure you compile Carla 0.9.13 and ensure it is working as expected.
    • ie. make PythonAPI && make launch completes without error
    • Can verify unit tests pass with make check

DReyeVR installation command summary

NOTE Since DReyeVR is still installed using bash, on Windows you'll need WSL installed.

Show command lines to install and build DReyeVR
# NOTE: On windows, this can almost all be done in WSL, except the make commands which need
# to be done in the "Windows x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019"
mkdir CarlaDReyeVR && cd CarlaDReyeVR # doing everything in this "CarlaDReyeVR" directory

######### install Carla's UnrealEngine fork #########
# Linux:
# Windows:

################### install Carla ###################
# Linux:
# Windows:
git clone -b 0.9.13
cd carla
make PythonAPI && make launch

############## install DReyeVR plugins ##############
# (optional) install SRanipal (
mv /PATH/TO/SRANIPALPLUGIN/SDK/03_Unreal/Plugins/SRanipal Unreal/CarlaUE4/Plugins/ # install to carla

# (optional) install LogitechWheelPlugin
git clone
mv LogitechWheelPlugin/LogitechWheelPlugin Unreal/CarlaUE4/Plugins/ # install to carla

cd .. # back to main directory

############## install scenario_runner ##############
# (optional) while you don't NEED scenario runner, it is certainly useful from a research pov
git clone -b v0.9.13

################## install DReyeVR ##################
git clone
cd DReyeVR
make all CARLA=../carla SR=../scenario_runner 
# or equivalently
make carla CARLA=../carla 
make sr SR=../scenario_runner 
make patch-sranipal CARLA=../carla
cd ..

################## build everything #################
cd carla
make launch # launch in editor
make package # create an optimized package
make check # run Carla unit tests

Simple install

Technically, the above prerequisites are all you really need to install DReyeVR and get a barebones VR ego-vehicle with no eyetracking and no racing wheel integration. If this suits your needs, simply skip down to the Install DReyeVR section of this doc and set the following variables in Unreal/CarlaUE4/Source/CarlaUE4/CarlaUE4.Build.cs to false:

// Edit these variables to enable/disable features of DReyeVR
bool UseSRanipalPlugin = true;
bool UseLogitechPlugin = true;
  • NOTE: you only need to install the SRanipal plugin if UseSRanipalPlugin is enabled, and similarly you only need to install the Logitech plugin if UseLogitechPlugin is enabled.

First Steps

Before installing DReyeVR, we'll also need to install the dependencies:

  • Enabling SteamVR in UE4

    • In the Editor for Carla go to Settings->Plugins->Virtual Reality->SteamVR and enable the plugin
    • Note that on Linux this you may need to install it through the Valve GitHub repo
    • UE4DropDown
  • Download SRanipal

    • What is this?

    • You'll need a (free-to-create) Vive developer account to download the following:
      • VIVE_SRanipalInstaller_1.3.X.Y.msi -- executable to install Tobii firmware
      • -- includes the Unreal plugin
    • Our work has been tested on SRanipal version (latest version at time of writing) which we cannot redistribute.
      • Bug 1: Possible Bug in Unreal SDK for Left/Right Eye Gazes
      • Bug 2: Conflict with using #define ERROR with UE4 that prevents compilation
      • You must fix Bug 2 with in order to build, but Bug 1 is more benign.
        • if Bug 1 still occurs in the latest SRanipal then you can edit the macro SRANIPAL_EYE_SWAP_FIXED in EgoSensor.h to true. This simply swaps the the Right->GazeRay and Left->GazeRay in EgoSensor.cpp
    • It is recommended to re-calibrate the SRanipal eye tracker plugin for every new participant in an experiment. To see how to do this check out this guide on foveated rendering using SRanipal by HTC developer MariosBikos_HTC
  • Installing SRanipal

    • After downloading the .zip file, unzipping it should present a directory similar to this
      • SDK
        - 01_C/
        - 02_Unity/
        - 03_Unreal/
        - Eye_SRanipal_SDK_Guide.pdf
        - Lip_SRanipal_SDK_Guide.pdf
      • Then, unzip the SRanipal unreal plugin and copy over the 03_Unreal/Plugins/SRanipal/ directory to the Carla installation
      • # in SDK/
        cd 03_Unreal
        unzip # creates the PLugins/SRanipal folder
        # assumes CARLA_ROOT is defined, else just use your Carla path
        cp -r Plugins/SRanipal $CARLA_ROOT/Unreal/CarlaUE4/Plugins/
  • Installing Logitech Wheel Plugin

    • This is only for those who have a Logitech steering wheel/pedals driving setup. This hardware is not required to experience the VR experience (you can simply use keyboard/mouse) but greatly adds to the immersion and allows for granular analog controls.
    • We'll be using this LogitechWheelPlugin to interact with UE4 and map hardware inputs to actions.
      • Clone the repo and move the requisite folder to the Carla plugins folder
      • git clone
        mv LogitechWheelPlugin/LogitechWheelPlugin $CARLA_ROOT/Unreal/CarlaUE4/Plugins
      • You should then see a Logitech Plugin enabled when you boot up the editor again:
      • LogitechPlugin
  • [OPTIONAL]Using Conda for the PythonAPI

    • While not at all required for DReyeVR, for those interested in using an Anaconda environment for their PythonAPI have to jump through a couple more hoops to get started:
    • To begin working with the PythonAPI in a Carla based Anaconda environment you can follow this guide to create the environment. If doing work with the python clients it is advisable to use a Conda environment. This is especially useful for avoiding the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'carla' errors that occur when you're missing Carla python.
    # in /PATH/TO/CARLA/
    conda create --name carla python=3.7.2
    conda activate carla
    • NOTE (Linux): You might run into a problem when compiling Boost 1.72.0 (required by LibCarla).

      Show instructions to get Anaconda working on Linux
      • # find anaconda install:
        which python3
        > PATH/TO/ANACONDA/envs/carla/bin/python3 # example output
        # go to carla/install dir from here
        cd PATH/TO/ANACONDA/envs/carla/install
        # create a symlink between python3.7 -> python3.7m
        ln -s python3.7m python3.7
        Now when you make LibCarla again, the boost errors should be resolved.
        • For more information see the bottom of this SO post
    • NOTE (Windows): Anaconda is not natively supported by CARLA, but it is very useful when managing multiple versions of CARLA and containerizing all the CARLA python dependencies.

      Show instructions to get Anaconda working on Windows
      1. Create your environment
        conda create --name carla python=3.7.2
        conda activate carla
      2. When trying to make PythonAPI you'll need to apply this fix (Replace py with python in BuildPythonAPI.bat)
        make PythonAPI
      3. Add carla to "path" to locate the PythonAPI and ScenarioRunner. But since Anaconda does not use the traditional PYTHONPATH you'll need to:
        • 3.1. Create a file carla.pth in \PATH\TO\ANACONDA\envs\carla\Lib\site-packages\
        • 3.2. Insert the following content into carla.pth:
      4. Install the specific carla wheel (whl) to Anaconda
        conda activate carla
        pip install --no-deps PATH\TO\CARLA\PythonAPI\carla\dist\carla-0.9.13-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
        pip install -r requirements.txt # install all SR dependencies
        conda install numpy
      5. Finally, there are some problems with shapely (SR dependency) and Conda. Luckily the solution is simple:
        • Copy the files:
          • PATH\TO\ANACONDA\envs\carla\Lib\site-packages\shapely\DLLs\geos.dll
          • PATH\TO\ANACONDA\envs\carla\Lib\site-packages\shapely\DLLs\geos_c.dll
        • To destination:
          • PATH\TO\ANACONDA\envs\carla\Library\bin\
      6. Now finally, you should be able to verify all PythonAPI actions work as expected via:
        conda activate carla
        >>> Python 3.7.2 (default, Feb 21 2019, 17:35:59) [MSC v.1915 64 bit (AMD64)] :: Anaconda, Inc. on win32
        >>> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
        >>> import carla
        >>> from DReyeVR_utils import find_ego_vehicle
        >>> from scenario_runner import ScenarioRunner
        With all these imports passing (no error/warning messages), you're good to go!
  • Sanity Check

    • After installing these plugins, you should see a Unreal/CarlaUE4/Plugins that looks like this:
    • Plugins
      - Carla/
      - CarlaExporter/
      - LogitechWheelPlugin/
      - SRanipal/

Installing DReyeVR

(Once you are done with this step, you should have a carla repo that looks just like this Carla fork we created with the installation (and other minor things) pre-applied.)

  • Note that bash is a requirement, so it would be ideal to use WSL if on Windows.
  • The script requires that git is installed and available on your shell.
  • You only need to install to a CARLA directory, ScenarioRunner is optional
# all modules at once
make all CARLA=../carla SR=../scenario_runner 

# or equivalently
make carla CARLA=../carla 
make sr SR=../scenario_runner 
make patch-sranipal CARLA=../carla # only applies if you use SRanipal

The script will first check if each directory matches the expected version (0.9.13 for Carla and v0.9.13 for ScenarioRunner) using git and then proceed with the installation.

As long as you have no errors in the previous sections, you should be able to just build the Carla project with our DReyeVR files as follows:

Building DReyeVR

  • If you are not interested in using SRanipal or the LogitechWheelPlugin, you can disable these at compile-time by changing the variables in Unreal/CarlaUE4/Source/CarlaUE4/CarlaUE4.Build.cs to false:
    • //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      // Edit these variables to enable/disable features of DReyeVR
      bool UseSRanipalPlugin = true;
      bool UseLogitechPlugin = true;
  • Open the project directory in any terminal (Linux) or Windows x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 (Windows)
make PythonAPI && make launch # build the UE4 game in editor

make package # build the optimized UE4 packaged game 

With the package built, run the Carla executable in VR mode with:

# on Linux
cd /PATH/TO/CARLA/Dist/CARLA_Shipping_0.9.13-dirty/LinuxNoEditor/
./ -vr

# on Windows x64 Visual C++ Toolset
cd \PATH\TO\CARLA\Build\UE4Carla\0.9.13-dirty\WindowsNoEditor\
CarlaUE4.exe -vr

# Optional flag: -quality-level=Low

NOTE: To greatly boost the framerates without losing much visual fidelity you can run with the additional argument -quality-level=Low which we modified from vanilla Carla to preserve the same rendering distance.

NOTE 2 You also don't necessarily NEED to run DReyeVR in VR. If you omit the -vr flag then you will be greeted with a flat-screen Carla game with the same features available for DReyeVR, just not in VR.

Now what?

Now that you've successfully installed DReyeVR continue to to learn how to use DReyeVR for your own VR driving research simulator.