- Don't load puma hooks by default.
Require capistrano 3.7+
Implement the plugin system
don't fail if puma was already running
Added :puma_daemonize option (default is false)
Require puma 3.4+
Require Capistrano 3.5+
Require capistrano-bundler
1.2.0: add support for puma user for puma user @mcb & @seuros
1.1.0: Set :puma_preload_app to false; Reload Monit after uploading any monit configuration; Always refresh Gemfile @rafaelgoulart @suhailpatel @sime
1.0.0: Add activate control app @askagirl
0.8.5: Fix smart_restart task to check if puma preloads app
0.8.4: Allow patch method (Nginx template) @lonre
0.8.2: Start task creates a conf file if none exists @stevemadere
0.8.1: Fixed nginx task @hnatt, support for prune_bundler @behe
0.8.0: Some changes
0.7.0: added Nginx template generator @dfang
0.6.1: added :puma_default_hooks, you can turn off the automatic hooks by setting it false
0.6.0: Remove
daemonize true
from default puma.rb file. Explicitly pass--daemon
flag when needed. -
0.5.1: Added worker_timeout option
0.5.0: Bugs fixes
0.4.2: Fix monit template to support chruby
0.4.1: Fix puma jungle (debian)
0.4.0: Multi-bind support
0.3.7: Dependency bug fix
0.3.5: Fixed a prehistoric bug
0.3.4: I don't remember what i did here
0.3.3: Puma jungle start fix
0.3.2: Tag option support (require puma 2.8.2+)
0.3.1: Typo fix
0.3.0: Initial support for puma signals
0.2.2: Application pre-loading is optional now (set puma_preload_app to false to turn it off)
0.2.1: Tasks are run within rack context
0.2.0: Support for puma
on boot -
0.1.3: Capistrano 3.1 support
0.1.2: Gemfile are refreshed between deploys now
0.1.1: Initial support for Monit and configuration override added.
0.1.0: Phased restart will be used if puma is in cluster mode
0.0.9: puma.rb location changed to shared_path root. puma:check moved to after deploy:check
0.0.8: puma.rb is automatically generated if not present. Fixed RVM issue.
0.0.7: Gem pushed to rubygems as capistrano3-puma. Support of Redhat based OS for Jungle init script.