This is a code book that describes the variables, the data, and any transformations or work that you performed to clean up the data.
The experiments have been carried out with a group of 30 volunteers within an age bracket of 19-48 years. Each person performed six activities (WALKING, WALKING_UPSTAIRS, WALKING_DOWNSTAIRS, SITTING, STANDING, LAYING) wearing a smartphone (Samsung Galaxy S II) on the waist. Using its embedded accelerometer and gyroscope, we captured 3-axial linear acceleration and 3-axial angular velocity at a constant rate of 50Hz. The experiments have been video-recorded to label the data manually. The obtained dataset has been randomly partitioned into two sets, where 70% of the volunteers was selected for generating the training data and 30% the test data.
The sensor signals (accelerometer and gyroscope) were pre-processed by applying noise filters and then sampled in fixed-width sliding windows of 2.56 sec and 50% overlap (128 readings/window). The sensor acceleration signal, which has gravitational and body motion components, was separated using a Butterworth low-pass filter into body acceleration and gravity. The gravitational force is assumed to have only low frequency components, therefore a filter with 0.3 Hz cutoff frequency was used. From each window, a vector of features was obtained by calculating variables from the time and frequency domain. See 'features_info.txt' for more details.
- Triaxial acceleration from the accelerometer (total acceleration) and the estimated body acceleration.
- Triaxial Angular velocity from the gyroscope.
- A 561-feature vector with time and frequency domain variables.
- Its activity label.
- An identifier of the subject who carried out the experiment.
'features_info.txt': Shows information about the variables used on the feature vector.
'features.txt': List of all features.
'activity_labels.txt': Links the class labels with their activity name.
'train/X_train.txt': Training set.
'train/y_train.txt': Training labels.
'test/X_test.txt': Test set.
'test/y_test.txt': Test labels.
- nrow(activityNames) = 6
- ncol(activityNames) = 2
- No column names on the file.
- Size = 4 KB
- nrow(featureData) = 561
- ncol(featureData) = 2
- No column names on the file.
- Size = 16 KB
- nrow(subTrain) = 7352;
- ncol(subTrain) = 1;
- No column names on the file.
- Size = 20 KB
- nrow(subTest) = 2947;
- ncol(subTest) = 1;
- No column names on the file.
- Size = 8k
- nrow(yTrain) = 7352
- ncol(yTrain) = 1
- No column names on the file.
- Size = 16 KB
- nrow(yTest) = 2947
- ncol(yTest) = 1
- No column names on the file.
- Size = 8 k
- nrow(xTrain) = 7352
- ncol(xTrain) = 561
- No column names on the file.
- Size = 66 MB
- nrow(xTest) = 2947
- col(mergeX) = 561
- No column names on the file.
- Size = 26.5 MB
Download data from the https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/getdata%2Fprojectfiles%2FUCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip;
Loading subject_train.txt and subject_test.txt with data.table(..) function with the name "subTrain" and "subTest", respectively:
- nrow(subTrain) = 7352;
- ncol(subTrain) = 1;
- ColName = V1
- nrow(subTest) = 2947;
- ncol(subTest) = 1;
- ColName = V1
Mergin subTrain and subTest into mergeSub:
- nrow(mergeSub) = 10299;
- ncol(mergeSub) = 1;
- ColName = V1
Changing Column name of table mergeSub from "V1" to "mergeSub".
Loading Y_train.txt and Y_test.txt with data.table(..) function with the name "yTrain" and "yTest", respectively:
- nrow(yTrain) = 7352
- ncol(yTrain) = 1
- ColName = V1
- nrow(yTest) = 2947
- ncol(yTest) = 1
- ColName = V1
Mergin yTrain and yTest into mergeY:
- nrow(mergeY) = 10229
- ncol(mergeY) = 1
- ColName = V1
Changing Column name of table mergeY from "V1" to "mergeY"
Loading X_train.txt and X_test.txt with data.table(..) function with the name "xTrain" and "xTest", respectively:
- nrow(xTrain) = 7352
- ncol(xTrain) = 561
- ColName = From "V1" to "V561"
- nrow(xTest) = 2947
- ncol(xTest) = 561
- ColName = From "V1" to "V561"
Mergin xTrain and xTest into mergeX:
- nrow(mergeX) = 10229
- ncol(mergeX) = 561
- ColName = From "V1" to "V561"
Changing Column name of table mergeX from "V1" to "mergeX"
Merging all 3 tables together mergeSub + mergeY + mergeX with the name allData:
- nrow(allMerge) = 10299
- ncol(allMerge) = 563
- ColName = "mergeSub" + "mergeY" + "mergeX" + From "V2" to "V561"
Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement:
First loading the colnames from features.txt with the name featureData;
Selecting all colnames from featureData with the string "mean" or "std" on it. Constructing a vector "posMeanStd" with the position of the colnames selected.
Subsetting "allData" using the vector "posMeanStd", including also the first two column of "allData". Naming this subset as "meanAndStd"
- nrow(meanAndStd) = 10299
- ncol(meanAndStd) = 81
- names(meanAndStd) =
[1] "mergeSub" "mergeY" "mergeX" "V2" "V3" "V4" "V5" "V6"
[9] "V41" "V42" "V43" "V44" "V45" "V46" "V81" "V82"
[17] "V83" "V84" "V85" "V86" "V121" "V122" "V123" "V124"
[25] "V125" "V126" "V161" "V162" "V163" "V164" "V165" "V166"
[33] "V201" "V202" "V214" "V215" "V227" "V228" "V240" "V241"
[41] "V253" "V254" "V266" "V267" "V268" "V269" "V270" "V271"
[49] "V294" "V295" "V296" "V345" "V346" "V347" "V348" "V349"
[57] "V350" "V373" "V374" "V375" "V424" "V425" "V426" "V427"
[65] "V428" "V429" "V452" "V453" "V454" "V503" "V504" "V513"
[73] "V516" "V517" "V526" "V529" "V530" "V539" "V542" "V543"
[81] "V552"
Uses descriptive activity names to name the activities in the data set:
Loading labels from activity_labels.txt with the name activityNames.
- nrow(activityNames) = 6
- ncol(activityNames) = 2
- names(activityNames) = "V1" "V2"
Changing activityNames col names from "V1" "V2" to "mergeY" "Activities";
Setting "mergeY" as key of the table "meanAndStd";
Setting "mergeY" as key of the table "activityNames";
Merging "meanAndStd" and "activityNames" by the key "mergeY". Adding a new col with the name "Activities" into "meanAndStd".
- nrow(meanAndStd) = 10229
- ncol(meanAndStd) = 82
Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive variable names:
Changing "meanAndStd" col names to: [1] "Activity_ID" "Subject"
[3] "tBody_Acc_mean_X" "tBody_Acc_mean_Y"
[5] "tBody_Acc_mean_Z" "tBody_Acc_std_X"
[7] "tBody_Acc_std_Y" "tBody_Acc_std_Z"
[9] "tGravity_Acc_mean_X" "tGravity_Acc_mean_Y"
[11] "tGravity_Acc_mean_Z" "tGravity_Acc_std_X"
[13] "tGravity_Acc_std_Y" "tGravity_Acc_std_Z"
[15] "tBody_Acc_Jerk_mean_X" "tBody_Acc_Jerk_mean_Y"
[17] "tBody_Acc_Jerk_mean_Z" "tBody_Acc_Jerk_std_X"
[19] "tBody_Acc_Jerk_std_Y" "tBody_Acc_Jerk_std_Z"
[21] "tBody_Gyro_mean_X" "tBody_Gyro_mean_Y"
[23] "tBody_Gyro_mean_Z" "tBody_Gyro_std_X"
[25] "tBody_Gyro_std_Y" "tBody_Gyro_std_Z"
[27] "tBody_Gyro_Jerk_mean_X" "tBody_Gyro_Jerk_mean_Y"
[29] "tBody_Gyro_Jerk_mean_Z" "tBody_Gyro_Jerk_std_X"
[31] "tBody_Gyro_Jerk_std_Y" "tBody_Gyro_Jerk_std_Z"
[33] "tBody_Acc_Mag_mean" "tBody_Acc_Mag_std"
[35] "tGravity_Acc_Mag_mean" "tGravity_Acc_Mag_std"
[37] "tBody_Acc_Jerk_Mag_mean" "tBody_Acc_Jerk_Mag_std"
[39] "tBody_Gyro_Mag_mean" "tBody_Gyro_Mag_std"
[41] "tBody_Gyro_Jerk_Mag_mean" "tBody_Gyro_Jerk_Mag_std"
[43] "fBody_Acc_mean_X" "fBody_Acc_mean_Y"
[45] "fBody_Acc_mean_Z" "fBody_Acc_std_X"
[47] "fBody_Acc_std_Y" "fBody_Acc_std_Z"
[49] "fBody_Acc_mean_Freq_X" "fBody_Acc_mean_Freq_Y"
[51] "fBody_Acc_mean_Freq_Z" "fBody_Acc_Jerk_mean_X"
[53] "fBody_Acc_Jerk_mean_Y" "fBody_Acc_Jerk_mean_Z"
[55] "fBody_Acc_Jerk_std_X" "fBody_Acc_Jerk_std_Y"
[57] "fBody_Acc_Jerk_std_Z" "fBody_Acc_Jerk_mean_Freq_X"
[59] "fBody_Acc_Jerk_mean_Freq_Y" "fBody_Acc_Jerk_mean_Freq_Z"
[61] "fBody_Gyro_mean_X" "fBody_Gyro_mean_Y"
[63] "fBody_Gyro_mean_Z" "fBody_Gyro_std_X"
[65] "fBody_Gyro_std_Y" "fBody_Gyro_std_Z"
[67] "fBody_Gyro_mean_Freq_X" "fBody_Gyro_mean_Freq_Y"
[69] "fBody_Gyro_mean_Freq_Z" "fBody_Acc_Mag_mean"
[71] "fBody_Acc_Mag_std" "fBody_Acc_Mag_mean_Freq"
[73] "fBody_Acc_Jerk_Mag_mean" "fBody_Acc_Jerk_Mag_std"
[75] "fBody_Acc_Jerk_Mag_mean_Freq" "fBody_Gyro_Mag_mean"
[77] "fBody_Gyro_Mag_std" "fBody_Gyro_Mag_mean_Freq"
[79] "fBody_Gyro_Jerk_Mag_mean" "fBody_Gyro_Jerk_Mag_std"
[81] "fBody_Gyro_Jerk_Mag_mean_Freq" "Activity_Name" -
Creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.
Set columns from 3 to penultimate as measure variables;
Set columns "Subject","Activity_ID","Activity_Name" as Ids;
Melting "meanAndStd" with the ids and measure variables defined. Creating "dataMelt" variable;
CASTING "dataMelt" using the formula Subject + Activity_Name ~ variable and the agglomerate function mean.
- nrow(tidyData) = 180
- ncol(tidyData) = 81