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9. Accounts and wallets (page under development

Dmitry edited this page Nov 23, 2018 · 1 revision


Create a free test account on the Crypto Kylin test net by clicking the following link. The last parameter is an account name that should be 12 characters length alphanumeric.

The response looks like this:

  "msg": "succeeded",
  "keys": {
    "active_key": {
      "public": "EOS8964AKczDbbuJfChZcN7FF2tMCDRMHixpxYTtK22dTBgbmMZti",
      "private": "5HsDkhiGKhWAxwEp3RdUWyFaCM4vJieB68MjB82ps2VgZ5rRSVR"
    "owner_key": {
      "public": "EOS5b7s8gT5gFqw8rYHbVEfGzHPudMg8gQkARgBzo3zZPXupKJeDb",
      "private": "5JuMWvjuUXk9yaf3MmQwB8pkAY2EiSSeK5KMG3uVTmfpE6rSE9G"
  "account": "volentestacc"

To get free test tokens on your account use the following link and refresh it 10 times to get 1000 tokens.

To get information about your account use the following link:

Or use the cleos CLI, i.g:

cleos --url get account volentestacc
cleos --url get currency balance eosio.token volentestacc
cleos --url get actions volentestacc
cleos --url get table volentestacc volentestacc entry --limit 1000


Creating a wallet

cleos wallet create -n testwallet --to-console
cleos wallet create -n testwalletbob --to-console

Save the password from the wallets:

testwalet: PW5JFDtGbytzVNYiTWSgYbuU9s5H8TopYX3BeCkQZ876pha6dE1kV testwalletbob: PW5Jh6SuQ7ZMHuxmTmmqsJjQBkc8kdd16u8mh7ZBaPTbnqjKRN8dt

Unlock the wallet

cleos wallet unlock -n testwallet --password PW5JFDtGbytzVNYiTWSgYbuU9s5H8TopYX3BeCkQZ876pha6dE1kV
cleos wallet unlock -n testwalletbob --password PW5Jh6SuQ7ZMHuxmTmmqsJjQBkc8kdd16u8mh7ZBaPTbnqjKRN8dt

Import the active and owner private keys into your wallets.

For testwallet

cleos wallet import -n testwallet --private-key 5HsDkhiGKhWAxwEp3RdUWyFaCM4vJieB68MjB82ps2VgZ5rRSVR
cleos wallet import -n testwallet --private-key 5JuMWvjuUXk9yaf3MmQwB8pkAY2EiSSeK5KMG3uVTmfpE6rSE9G

For testwalletbob

cleos wallet import -n testwalletbob --private-key 5HsDkhiGKhWAxwEp3RdUWyFaCM4vJieB68MjB82ps2VgZ5rRSVR
cleos wallet import -n testwalletbob --private-key 5JuMWvjuUXk9yaf3MmQwB8pkAY2EiSSeK5KMG3uVTmfpE6rSE9G

To get the keys for your wallet use command:

cleos wallet private_keys -n testwallet --password PW5JFDtGbytzVNYiTWSgYbuU9s5H8TopYX3BeCkQZ876pha6dE1kV
cleos wallet private_keys -n testwalletbob --password PW5Jh6SuQ7ZMHuxmTmmqsJjQBkc8kdd16u8mh7ZBaPTbnqjKRN8dt

Next step

3. Contracts