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The final project of the Udacity Self-Driving Car Nanodegree: Programming a Real Self-Driving Car.


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Udacity - Self-Driving Car NanoDegree

CarND-Capstone Project

Team Members

Precious Ugo Abara

Marco Rossi

This is the project repo for the final project of the Udacity Self-Driving Car Nanodegree: Programming a Real Self-Driving Car. For more information about the project, see the project introduction here.

System Architecture Diagram

The following is the system architecture diagram showing the ROS nodes and topics used in the project.

Project Description

In this project, some core functionalities of an autonomous vehicle are implemented using ROS nodes. In particular the following features are implemented:

  • Traffic Light Detection
  • Longitudinal and Lateral Control
  • Trajectory generation (as Waypoint Updater)

Traffic Light Detection

This package contains the traffic light detection node: This node takes in data from the /image_color, /current_pose, and /base_waypoints topics and publishes the locations to stop for red traffic lights to the /traffic_waypoint topic.

The /current_pose topic provides the vehicle's current position, and /base_waypoints provides a complete list of waypoints the car will be following.

The detected traffic light takes place within, whereas traffic light classification takes place within ../tl_detector/light_classification_model/

The traffic light detection has been performed by using a SSD with MobileNet as base network (not a VGG16 as shown in the following picture).

Traffic lights detection test

In the following pictures two sample images showing the classification results are reported: the first one for simulation data Link to video.:

The second one for real acquisition Link to video:

Longitudinal and Lateral Control

Carla is equipped with a drive-by-wire (dbw) system, meaning the throttle, brake, and steering have electronic control. This package contains the files that are responsible for control of the vehicle: the node and the file, along with a pid and lowpass filter already implemented. The dbw_node subscribes to the /current_velocity topic along with the /twist_cmd topic to receive target linear and angular velocities. Additionally, this node will subscribe to /vehicle/dbw_enabled, which indicates if the car is under dbw or driver control. This node will publish throttle, brake, and steering commands to the /vehicle/throttle_cmd, /vehicle/brake_cmd, and /vehicle/steering_cmd topics.

Trajectory generation (as Waypoint Updater)

This package contains the waypoint updater node: The purpose of this node is to update the target velocity property of each waypoint based on traffic light and obstacle detection data. This node will subscribe to the /base_waypoints, /current_pose, /obstacle_waypoint, and /traffic_waypoint topics, and publish a list of waypoints ahead of the car with target velocities to the /final_waypoints topic.

Useful information

Please use one of the two installation options, either native or docker installation.

Native Installation

  • Be sure that your workstation is running Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus or Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahir. Ubuntu downloads can be found here.

  • If using a Virtual Machine to install Ubuntu, use the following configuration as minimum:

    • 2 CPU
    • 2 GB system memory
    • 25 GB of free hard drive space

    The Udacity provided virtual machine has ROS and Dataspeed DBW already installed, so you can skip the next two steps if you are using this.

  • Follow these instructions to install ROS

  • Dataspeed DBW

  • Download the Udacity Simulator.

Docker Installation

Install Docker

Build the docker container

docker build . -t capstone

Run the docker file

docker run -p 4567:4567 -v $PWD:/capstone -v /tmp/log:/root/.ros/ --rm -it capstone

Port Forwarding

To set up port forwarding, please refer to the "uWebSocketIO Starter Guide" found in the classroom (see Extended Kalman Filter Project lesson).


  1. Clone the project repository
  1. Install python dependencies
cd CarND-Capstone
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Make and run styx
cd ros
source devel/
roslaunch launch/styx.launch
  1. Run the simulator

Real world testing

  1. Download training bag that was recorded on the Udacity self-driving car.
  2. Unzip the file
  1. Play the bag file
rosbag play -l traffic_light_bag_file/traffic_light_training.bag
  1. Launch your project in site mode
cd CarND-Capstone/ros
roslaunch launch/site.launch
  1. Confirm that traffic light detection works on real life images

Other library/driver information

Outside of requirements.txt, here is information on other driver/library versions used in the simulator and Carla:

Specific to these libraries, the simulator grader and Carla use the following:

Simulator Carla
Nvidia driver 384.130 384.130
CUDA 8.0.61 8.0.61
cuDNN 6.0.21 6.0.21
TensorRT N/A N/A
OpenCV 3.2.0-dev 2.4.8
OpenMP N/A N/A

We are working on a fix to line up the OpenCV versions between the two.

Compilation errors

if you get following error message:

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "/home/workspace/CarND-Capstone/ros/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". See also "/home/workspace/CarND-Capstone/ros/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log". Invoking "cmake" failed

run the following commands

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y ros-kinetic-dbw-mkz-msgs cd /home/workspace/CarND-Capstone/ros rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro=kinetic -y

## More errors
- You are running Setuptools on Python 2, which is no longer supported

pip2 install --upgrade --user pip pip2 install --user "setuptools<45"

## even more errors
- ERROR: tensorflow 1.3.0 requires mock>=2.0.0, which is not installed.
- ERROR: launchpadlib 1.10.3 requires testresources, which is not installed.

pip install mock pip install testresources

- DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 reached the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 is no longer maintained. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7. More details about Python 2 support in pip, can be found at

make Sure python 3.X is installed

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3.X 1 sudo update-alternatives --config python

### Brute force Fix: complete disinstallation of python/ros and new installation

If error with rosdep:

### Update dbw_mkz_msgs
If you get the message "AttributeError: 'SteeringReport' object has no attribute 'steering_wheel_angle_cmd'"

## Not Getting camera images? IndexError tuple out or range
As of issue :
- pip install --upgrade pip
- pip install --upgrade pillow


The final project of the Udacity Self-Driving Car Nanodegree: Programming a Real Self-Driving Car.



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