Releases: 448-engineering/MEMSECURITY
Releases · 448-engineering/MEMSECURITY
Version 2.0.0 has new breaking changes to the API and a new way to generate random bytes
Fix possible security gotchas and introduce cryptography types for symmetric and asymmetric encryption that can be converted to and from bytes but still zeroed on drop
Feat: Add types to perform serialization into and deserialization of bytes for use with symmetric
and asymmetric cryptography ensuring that the bytes are zeroed out on drop
Fix: Manually implement equality checks for all zeroizable arrays using blake3::Hash which performs
comparisons in constant time
Fix: Remove Clone, Ord and PartialOrd derive since it can lead to security holes
Add `ZeroizableByte` for when one want to use a byte that gets zeroed out when it is dropped
1.2.1 Feat: Bump up version
Version 1.0 release
Stable release of this library.