Breaking changes
Envoy 1.23.2 is now the default (#158 ). Envoy version must be explicitly set to avoid upgrade to the default one upon upgrade of the operator @roivaz
New features
Correctly sort ECRs when there are only two in the list #139 @acnodal-tc
Fix a status condition that was missing the message property #157 @roivaz
Other changes
Support for kubernetes 1.25 by droping usage of the deprecated PodDisruptionAPI v1beta1 (#142 ) @roivaz
Upgrade operator-sdk to 1.23 (#143 ) @roivaz
Upgrade go-control-plane to v0.10.3 (#144 ) @roivaz
Refactor the xDS server snapshot cache (#145 ) @roivaz
Re-implement the secrets controller as an event handler (#149 ) @roivaz
Make spec.envoyResources[*].name optional (#152 ). This property has been marked as deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release @roivaz
Fix envoy warnings caused by deprecated configurations present in the envoy bootstrap configuration #154 @roivaz
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