This version requires xcflushd >= v1.2.0.
- Updated to work with Apicast v3.0.0.
- The priority auth renewer now subscribes to the redis pubsub channel before publishing to it. We initially had this in the reverse order (creating a race condition that needed to be handled in xcflushd) because the API from lua-redis used in the tests imposed so. However, the API from resty.redis, used in the rest of the codebase, does not. There is no longer a race condition and this change allows us to make some performance optimizations in xcflushd.
- Makes Redis timeouts configurable.
- Fixes a permissions problem with the Apicast log dir in the Apicast-XC dockerfile.
- Improves performance when reporting by using Redis pipelines instead of multi/exec.
- Updated to work with Apicast v3.0.0-rc1.