+ for(x = 1;x < lzmcorePy_1;x++) {
+ str += "Installing "+lzmcorePy_0.split(/Installing /g)[x].split(/Done/g)[0].replace(/\t/g,"").split(/print/g)[0].replace("###### ","").replace(/\n/g,"
").replace(/os.system\("/g,"").replace(/"\)/g,"")+ "
+ }
+ str += "
+ app.WriteFile(lzmFolder+"/lzmcore.html",str);
+function setForumGroupData() {
+ try {
+ xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.open("GET","https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gameye98/Gameye98.github.io/master/json/lazymux_gc.json",false);
+ xhr.send();
+ if(xhr.status == 200) {
+ app.WriteFile(lzmFolder+"/lazymux_gc.json",xhr.response);
+ data = JSON.parse(app.ReadFile(lzmFolder+"/lazymux_gc.json"));
+ for(x = 0;x < data["forum"].length;x++) {
+ app.SetData("forum:"+data["forum"][x]["id"],data["forum"][x]["url"]);
+ eval('btn=app.CreateButton("forum:'+data["forum"][x]["name"]+'", 1.0, -0.05, "Custom");');
+ eval('btn.SetStyle("black","black",2.0,"white",1.0);');
+ eval('btn.SetTextColor("white");');
+ eval('btn.SetOnTouch(btn_OnTouch);');
+ eval('fgp.AddChild(btn);');
+ }
+ for(x = 0;x < data["group_chat"].length;x++) {
+ if(data["group_chat"][x]["appId"] == "Telegram" || data["group_chat"][x]["appId"] == "Whatsapp") {
+ app.SetData("group_chat:"+data["group_chat"][x]["id"],data["group_chat"][x]["url"]);
+ str = "group_chat:"+data["group_chat"][x]["name"]+" ("+data["group_chat"][x]["appId"]+")\nadmin:"+data["group_chat"][x]["admin"];
+ eval('btn=app.CreateButton(str, 1.0, -0.05, "Custom");');
+ } else {
+ app.SetData("group:"+data["group_chat"][x]["id"],data["group_chat"][x]["url"]);
+ str = "group:"+data["group_chat"][x]["name"]+" ("+data["group_chat"][x]["appId"]+")\nadmin:"+data["group_chat"][x]["admin"];
+ eval('btn=app.CreateButton(str, 1.0, -0.05, "Custom");');
+ }
+ eval('btn.SetStyle("black","black",2.0,"white",1.0);');
+ eval('btn.SetTextColor("white");');
+ eval('btn.SetOnTouch(btn_OnTouch);');
+ eval('fgp.AddChild(btn);');
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(app.FileExists(lzmFolder+"/lazymux_gc.json") != true) {
+ app.WriteFile(lzmFolder+"/lazymux_gc.json",app.ReadFile("lazymux_gc.json"));
+ }
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ if(app.FileExists(lzmFolder+"/lazymux_gc.json") != true) {
+ app.WriteFile(lzmFolder+"/lazymux_gc.json",app.ReadFile("lazymux_gc.json"));
+ }
+ try {
+ data = JSON.parse(app.ReadFile(lzmFolder+"/lazymux_gc.json"));
+ for(x = 0;x < data["forum"].length;x++) {
+ app.SetData("forum:"+data["forum"][x]["id"],data["forum"][x]["url"]);
+ eval('btn=app.CreateButton("forum:'+data["forum"][x]["name"]+'", 1.0, -0.05, "Custom");');
+ eval('btn.SetStyle("black","black",2.0,"white",1.0);');
+ eval('btn.SetTextColor("white");');
+ eval('btn.SetOnTouch(btn_OnTouch);');
+ eval('fgp.AddChild(btn);');
+ }
+ for(x = 0;x < data["group_chat"].length;x++) {
+ if(data["group_chat"][x]["appId"] == "Telegram" || data["group_chat"][x]["appId"] == "Whatsapp") {
+ app.SetData("group_chat:"+data["group_chat"][x]["id"],data["group_chat"][x]["url"]);
+ str = "group_chat:"+data["group_chat"][x]["name"]+" ("+data["group_chat"][x]["appId"]+")\nadmin:"+data["group_chat"][x]["admin"];
+ eval('btn=app.CreateButton(str, 1.0, -0.05, "Custom");');
+ } else {
+ app.SetData("group:"+data["group_chat"][x]["id"],data["group_chat"][x]["url"]);
+ str = "group:"+data["group_chat"][x]["name"]+" ("+data["group_chat"][x]["appId"]+")\nadmin:"+data["group_chat"][x]["admin"];
+ eval('btn=app.CreateButton(str, 1.0, -0.05, "Custom");');
+ }
+ eval('btn.SetStyle("black","black",2.0,"white",1.0);');
+ eval('btn.SetTextColor("white");');
+ eval('btn.SetOnTouch(btn_OnTouch);');
+ eval('fgp.AddChild(btn);');
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ alert("Something went error...");
+ }
+ }
+function btn_OnTouch() {
+ app.SetData("dlgData",this.GetText());
+ if(this.GetText().match(/forum:/g)) {
+ app.OpenUrl(app.GetData(this.GetText().split(" (")[0].toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,"_")));
+ } else {
+ dlg = app.CreateListDialog(this.GetText().split(" (")[0].split(":")[1],"Join the Group Chat,Contact the Admin");
+ dlg.SetOnTouch(dlg_OnTouch);
+ dlg.Show();
+ }
+function checkUpdate_OnTouch() {
+ app.ShowProgress("Checking update...");
+ version = app.ReadFile("version.txt");
+ try {
+ xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhr.open("GET","https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gameye98/Gameye98.github.io/master/version/Ieshnow",false);
+ xhr.send();
+ app.HideProgress();
+ if(xhr.status == 200) {
+ data = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
+ if(data["version"] == version) {
+ alert("Lazymux is already the newest version ("+version+").");
+ } else {
+ app.SetData("newVersion",data["url"]);
+ updateNah = app.CreateYesNoDialog("A new version of Lazymux is available!\nThe version that is currently installed is : "+version+"\n\nUpdate the Lazymux?");
+ updateNah.SetOnTouch(updateNah_OnTouch);
+ updateNah.Show();
+ }
+ } else {
+ alert("Something went error...");
+ }
+ } catch(e) {
+ app.HideProgress();
+ alert("Device is not connected to the internet");
+ }
+function updateNah_OnTouch(choose) {
+ if(choose == "Yes") {
+ app.OpenUrl(app.GetData("newVersion"));
+ } else {
+ void 0;
+ }
+function shareLazymux_OnTouch() {
+ list = app.GetInstalledApps();
+ for(x = 0;x < list.length;x++) {
+ if(list[x].sourceDir.match(/sec.blackhole.lazymux/g)) {
+ app.CopyFile(list[x].sourceDir, "/sdcard/Lazymux/Lazymux.apk");
+ }
+ }
+ app.SendFile("/sdcard/Lazymux/Lazymux.apk","Lazymux.apk","Send File");
+function dlg_OnTouch(item) {
+ switch(item) {
+ case "Join the Group Chat": app.OpenUrl(app.GetData(app.GetData("dlgData").split(" (")[0].toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,"_")));
+ break;
+ case "Contact the Admin": app.OpenUrl(app.GetData("dlgData").split("admin:")[1]);
+ break;
+ default: void 0;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/README.md b/app/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49b5878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# app (Lazymux-App)
+This is the source code of Lazymux app
+You can build/rebuild Lazymux by using this source code
+## How to Build
+1. First, you need to install DroidScript Premium on your phone and DroidScript ApkBuilder Plugin
+2. Place this folder (app) onto /sdcard/DroidScript and don't forget to change the name of this folder (app) to Lazymux
+3. Now open DroidScript, you'll gonna see an icon of Lazymux app
+4. Press and Hold icon of Lazymux, then dialog box will popup and choose Build APK
+5. Done!!
+Happy Build <3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/lazymux_gc.json b/app/lazymux_gc.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a21f1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/lazymux_gc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ "forum": [
+ {"id":"termux_community_forum","name":"Termux Community Forum","url":"https://termux.com/community"}
+ ],
+ "group_chat": [
+ {"id":"crabs_id","appId":"Telegram","admin":"https://t.me/om_karjok","name":"CRABS_ID","url":"https://t.me/CRABS_ID"},
+ {"id":"termux_india","appId":"Telegram","admin":"https://t.me/OxDev","name":"Termux INDIA","url":"https://t.me/termux_india"},
+ {"id":"termux_id","appId":"Telegram","admin":"https://t.me/kang_nuubi","name":"Termux ID","url":"https://t.me/termuxid"},
+ {"id":"termux_new_user","appId":"Telegram","admin":"https://t.me/Remo773","name":"Termux New User","url":"https://t.me/joinchat/FY2amVKlBrBQIi3dT_lUug"},
+ {"id":"termux_group","appId":"Telegram","admin":"https://t.me/Xiaoxi654","name":"Termux Group","url":"https://t.me/TermuxGroup"},
+ {"id":"termux_indonesia","appId":"Facebook","admin":"https://mbasic.facebook.com/100011007121639","name":"Termux Indonesia","url":"https://mbasic.facebook.com/groups/1922836934621172"},
+ {"id":"termux_ind","appId":"Facebook","admin":"https://mbasic.facebook.com/100012490237964","name":"Termux IND","url":"https://mbasic.facebook.com/groups/120852901908366"},
+ {"id":"termux_asia_user","appId":"Facebook","admin":"https://mbasic.facebook.com/100003636568836","name":"Termux ASIA USER","url":"https://mbasic.facebook.com/groups/189544601647869"}
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/logo.png b/app/logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afb275e
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/logo.png differ
diff --git a/app/lzmcore.py b/app/lzmcore.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..575d69d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/lzmcore.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1112 @@
+## lzmcore.py - useful module of Lazymux
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+lazymux_banner = """
+: :
+: : .--. .---. .-..-.,-.,-.,-..-..-..-.,-.
+: :__ ' .; ; `-'_.': :; :: ,. ,. :: :; :`. .'
+:___.'`.__,_;`.___;`._. ;:_;:_;:_;`.__.':_,._;
+ .-. :
+ `._.'
+backtomenu_banner = """
+ [99] Back to main menu
+ [00] Exit the Lazymux
+def restart_program():
+ python = sys.executable
+ os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv)
+ curdir = os.getcwd()
+def backtomenu_option():
+ print backtomenu_banner
+ backtomenu = raw_input("lzmx > ")
+ if backtomenu == "99":
+ restart_program()
+ elif backtomenu == "00":
+ sys.exit()
+ else:
+ print "\nERROR: Wrong Input"
+ time.sleep(2)
+ restart_program()
+def banner():
+ print lazymux_banner
+def nmap():
+ print '\n###### Installing Nmap'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install nmap')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'nmap' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def red_hawk():
+ print '\n###### Installing RED HAWK'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git php')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Tuhinshubhra/RED_HAWK')
+ os.system('mv RED_HAWK ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def dtect():
+ print '\n###### Installing D-Tect'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/bibortone/D-Tech')
+ os.system('mv D-TECT ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sqlmap():
+ print '\n###### Installing sqlmap'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap')
+ os.system('mv sqlmap ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def infoga():
+ print '\n###### Installing Infoga'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests urllib3 urlparse')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/m4ll0k/Infoga')
+ os.system('mv Infoga ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def reconDog():
+ print '\n###### Installing ReconDog'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/ReconDog')
+ os.system('mv ReconDog ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def androZenmap():
+ print '\n###### Installing AndroZenmap'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install nmap curl')
+ os.system('curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gameye98/Gameye98.github.io/master/scripts/androzenmap.sh')
+ os.system('mkdir ~/AndroZenmap')
+ os.system('mv androzenmap.sh ~/AndroZenmap')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sqlmate():
+ print '\n###### Installing sqlmate'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install mechanize bs4 HTMLparser argparse requests urlparse2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/sqlmate')
+ os.system('mv sqlmate ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def astraNmap():
+ print '\n###### Installing AstraNmap'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git nmap')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/AstraNmap')
+ os.system('mv AstraNmap ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def wtf():
+ print '\n###### Installing WTF'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip bs4 requests HTMLParser urlparse mechanize argparse')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Xi4u7/wtf')
+ os.system('mv wtf ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def easyMap():
+ print '\n###### Installing Easymap'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install php git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Cvar1984/Easymap')
+ os.system('mv Easymap ~')
+ os.system('cd ~/Easymap && sh install.sh')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def xd3v():
+ print '\n###### Installing XD3v'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install curl')
+ os.system('curl -k -O https://gist.github.com/Gameye98/92035588bd0228df6fb7fa77a5f26bc2/raw/f8e73cd3d9f2a72bd536087bb6ba7bc8baef7d1d/xd3v.sh')
+ os.system('mv xd3v.sh ~/../usr/bin/xd3v && chmod +x ~/../usr/bin/xd3v')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'xd3v' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def crips():
+ print '\n###### Installing Crips'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install git python2 openssl curl libcurl wget")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/Manisso/Crips")
+ os.system("mv Crips ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sir():
+ print '\n###### Installing SIR'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install python2 git")
+ os.system("python2 -m pip install bs4 urllib2")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/AeonDave/sir.git")
+ os.system("mv sir ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def xshell():
+ print '\n###### Installing Xshell'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install lynx python2 figlet ruby php nano w3m")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/Ubaii/Xshell")
+ os.system("mv Xshell ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def evilURL():
+ print '\n###### Installing EvilURL'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install git python2 python3")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/UndeadSec/EvilURL")
+ os.system("mv EvilURL ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def striker():
+ print '\n###### Installing Striker'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/Striker')
+ os.system('mv Striker ~')
+ os.system('cd ~/Striker && python2 -m pip install -r requirements.txt')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def dsss():
+ print '\n###### Installing DSSS'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/stamparm/DSSS')
+ os.system('mv DSSS ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sqliv():
+ print '\n###### Installing SQLiv'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Hadesy2k/sqliv')
+ os.system('mv sqliv ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sqlscan():
+ print '\n###### Installing sqlscan'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git php')
+ os.system('git clone http://www.github.com/Cvar1984/sqlscan')
+ os.system('mv sqlscan ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def wordpreSScan():
+ print '\n###### Installing Wordpresscan'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 python2-dev clang libxml2-dev libxml2-utils libxslt-dev')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/swisskyrepo/Wordpresscan')
+ os.system('mv Wordpresscan ~')
+ os.system('cd ~/Wordpresscan && python2 -m pip install -r requirements.txt')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def wpscan():
+ print '\n###### Installing WPScan'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git ruby curl')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/wpscanteam/wpscan')
+ os.system('mv wpscan ~ && cd ~/wpscan')
+ os.system('gem install bundle && bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries && bundle install && ruby wpscan.rb --update')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def wordpresscan():
+ print '\n###### Installing wordpresscan(2)'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install nmap figlet git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/silverhat007/termux-wordpresscan')
+ os.system('cd termux-wordpresscan && chmod +x * && sh install.sh')
+ os.system('mv termux-wordpresscan ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'wordpresscan' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def routersploit():
+ print '\n###### Installing Routersploit'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/reverse-shell/routersploit')
+ os.system('mv routersploit ~;cd ~/routersploit;python2 -m pip install -r requirements.txt;termux-fix-shebang rsf.py')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def torshammer():
+ print '\n###### Installing Torshammer'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/dotfighter/torshammer')
+ os.system('mv torshammer ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def slowloris():
+ print '\n###### Installing Slowloris'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/gkbrk/slowloris')
+ os.system('mv slowloris ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def fl00d12():
+ print '\n###### Installing Fl00d & Fl00d2'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 curl')
+ os.system('mkdir ~/fl00d')
+ os.system('curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gameye98/Gameye98.github.io/master/scripts/fl00d.py')
+ os.system('curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gameye98/Gameye98.github.io/master/scripts/fl00d2.py')
+ os.system('mv fl00d.py ~/fl00d && mv fl00d2.py ~/fl00d')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def goldeneye():
+ print '\n###### Installing GoldenEye'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/jseidl/GoldenEye')
+ os.system('mv GoldenEye ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def xerxes():
+ print '\n###### Installing Xerxes'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git')
+ os.system('apt install clang')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/zanyarjamal/xerxes')
+ os.system('mv xerxes ~')
+ os.system('cd ~/xerxes && clang xerxes.c -o xerxes')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def planetwork_ddos():
+ print '\n###### Installing Planetwork-DDOS'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Hydra7/Planetwork-DDOS')
+ os.system('mv Planetwork-DDOS ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hydra():
+ print '\n###### Installing Hydra'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install hydra')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def black_hydra():
+ print '\n###### Installing Black Hydra'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install hydra git python2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/Black-Hydra')
+ os.system('mv Black-Hydra ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def cupp():
+ print '\n###### Installing Cupp'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Mebus/cupp')
+ os.system('mv cupp ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def asu():
+ print '\n###### Installing ASU'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 php')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests bs4 mechanize')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/LOoLzeC/ASU')
+ os.system('mv ASU ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hash_buster():
+ print '\n###### Installing Hash-Buster'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/Hash-Buster')
+ os.system('mv Hash-Buster ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def instaHack():
+ print '\n###### Installing InstaHack'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/avramit/instahack')
+ os.system('mv instahack ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def indonesian_wordlist():
+ print '\n###### Installing indonesian-wordlist'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/geovedi/indonesian-wordlist')
+ os.system('mv indonesian-wordlist ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def fbBrute():
+ print '\n###### Installing Facebook Brute Force 3'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install curl python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install mechanize')
+ os.system('curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gameye98/Gameye98.github.io/master/scripts/facebook3.py')
+ os.system('curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gameye98/Gameye98.github.io/master/wordlist/password.txt')
+ os.system('mkdir ~/facebook-brute-3')
+ os.system('mv facebook3.py ~/facebook-brute-3 && mv password.txt ~/facebook-brute-3')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def webdav():
+ print '\n###### Installing Webdav'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 openssl curl libcurl')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install urllib3 chardet certifi idna requests')
+ os.system('mkdir ~/webdav')
+ os.system('curl -k -O http://override.waper.co/files/webdav.txt;mv webdav.txt ~/webdav/webdav.py')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def xGans():
+ print '\n###### Installing xGans'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 curl')
+ os.system('mkdir ~/xGans')
+ os.system('curl -O http://override.waper.co/files/xgans.txt')
+ os.system('mv xgans.txt ~/xGans/xgans.py')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def webmassploit():
+ print '\n###### Installing Webdav Mass Exploiter'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install python2 openssl curl libcurl")
+ os.system("python2 -m pip install requests")
+ os.system("curl -k -O https://pastebin.com/raw/K1VYVHxX && mv K1VYVHxX webdav.py")
+ os.system("mkdir ~/webdav-mass-exploit && mv webdav.py ~/webdav-mass-exploit")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def wpsploit():
+ print '\n###### Installing WPSploit'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone git clone https://github.com/m4ll0k/wpsploit')
+ os.system('mv wpsploit ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sqldump():
+ print '\n###### Installing sqldump'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 curl')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install google')
+ os.system('curl -k -O https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Gameye98/76076c9a282a6f32749894d5368024a6/raw/6f9e754f2f81ab2b8efda30603dc8306c65bd651/sqldump.py')
+ os.system('mkdir ~/sqldump && chmod +x sqldump.py && mv sqldump.py ~/sqldump')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def websploit():
+ print '\n###### Installing Websploit'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install scapy')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/The404Hacking/websploit')
+ os.system('mv websploit ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sqlokmed():
+ print '\n###### Installing sqlokmed'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install urllib2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Anb3rSecID/sqlokmed')
+ os.system('mv sqlokmed ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def zones():
+ print '\n###### Installing zones'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install git php")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/Cvar1984/zones")
+ os.system("mv zones ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def metasploit():
+ print '\n###### Installing Metasploit'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install git wget curl")
+ os.system("wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Gameye98/d31055c2d71f2fa5b1fe8c7e691b998c/raw/09e43daceac3027a1458ba43521d9c6c9795d2cb/msfinstall.sh")
+ os.system("mv msfinstall.sh ~;cd ~;sh msfinstall.sh")
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'msfconsole' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def commix():
+ print '\n###### Installing Commix'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/commixproject/commix')
+ os.system('mv commix ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def brutal():
+ print '\n###### Installing Brutal'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Screetsec/Brutal')
+ os.system('mv Brutal ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def a_rat():
+ print '\n###### Installing A-Rat'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Xi4u7/A-Rat')
+ os.system('mv A-Rat ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def knockmail():
+ print '\n###### Installing KnockMail'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install validate_email pyDNS')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/4w4k3/KnockMail')
+ os.system('mv KnockMail ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def spammer_grab():
+ print '\n###### Installing Spammer-Grab'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git && python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/p4kl0nc4t/spammer-grab')
+ os.system('mv spammer-grab ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hac():
+ print '\n###### Installing Hac'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install php git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Cvar1984/Hac')
+ os.system('mv Hac ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def spammer_email():
+ print '\n###### Installing Spammer-Email'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install argparse requests")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/p4kl0nc4t/Spammer-Email")
+ os.system("mv Spammer-Email ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def rang3r():
+ print '\n###### Installing Rang3r'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install optparse termcolor")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/floriankunushevci/rang3r")
+ os.system("mv rang3r ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sh33ll():
+ print '\n###### Installing SH33LL'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install git python2")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/LOoLzeC/SH33LL")
+ os.system("mv SH33LL ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def social():
+ print '\n###### Installing Social-Engineering'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install python2 perl")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/LOoLzeC/social-engineering")
+ os.system("mv social-engineering ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def spiderbot():
+ print '\n###### Installing SpiderBot'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install git php")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/Cvar1984/SpiderBot")
+ os.system("mv SpiderBot ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def ngrok():
+ print '\n###### Installing Ngrok'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/themastersunil/ngrok')
+ os.system('mv ngrok ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sudo():
+ print '\n###### Installing sudo'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install ncurses-utils git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/st42/termux-sudo')
+ os.system('mv termux-sudo ~ && cd ~/termux-sudo && chmod 777 *')
+ os.system('cat sudo > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sudo')
+ os.system('chmod 700 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sudo')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def ubuntu():
+ print '\n###### Installing Ubuntu'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Neo-Oli/termux-ubuntu')
+ os.system('mv termux-ubuntu ~ && cd ~/termux-ubuntu && bash ubuntu.sh')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def fedora():
+ print '\n###### Installing Fedora'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install wget git')
+ os.system('wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nmilosev/termux-fedora/master/termux-fedora.sh')
+ os.system('mv termux-fedora.sh ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def nethunter():
+ print '\n###### Installing Kali NetHunter'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Hax4us/Nethunter-In-Termux')
+ os.system('mv Nethunter-In-Termux ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def blackbox():
+ print '\n###### Installing BlackBox'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git && python2 -m pip install optparse passlib')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/jothatron/blackbox')
+ os.system('mv blackbox ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def xattacker():
+ print '\n###### Installing XAttacker'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git perl')
+ os.system('cpnm install HTTP::Request')
+ os.system('cpnm install LWP::Useragent')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Moham3dRiahi/XAttacker')
+ os.system('mv XAttacker ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def vcrt():
+ print '\n###### Installing VCRT'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/LOoLzeC/Evil-create-framework')
+ os.system('mv Evil-create-framework ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def socfish():
+ print '\n###### Installing SocialFish'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git && python2 -m pip install wget')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/UndeadSec/SocialFish')
+ os.system('mv SocialFish ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def ecode():
+ print '\n###### Installing ECode'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install php git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Cvar1984/Ecode')
+ os.system('mv Ecode ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hashzer():
+ print '\n###### Installing Hashzer'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Anb3rSecID/Hashzer')
+ os.system('mv Hashzer ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def xsstrike():
+ print '\n###### Installing XSStrike'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install fuzzywuzzy prettytable mechanize HTMLParser')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/XSStrike')
+ os.system('mv XSStrike ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def breacher():
+ print '\n###### Installing Breacher'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests argparse')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/Breacher')
+ os.system('mv Breacher ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def stylemux():
+ print '\n###### Installing Termux-Styling'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/BagazMukti/Termux-Styling-Shell-Script')
+ os.system('mv Termux-Styling-Shell-Script ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def txtool():
+ print '\n###### Installing TXTool'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 nmap php curl')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/kuburan/txtool')
+ os.system('mv txtool ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def passgencvar():
+ print '\n###### Installing PassGen'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git php')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Cvar1984/PassGen')
+ os.system('mv PassGen ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def owscan():
+ print '\n###### Installing OWScan'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git php')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/OWScan')
+ os.system('mv OWScan ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sanlen():
+ print '\n###### Installing santet-online'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/santet-online')
+ os.system('mv santet-online ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def spazsms():
+ print '\n###### Installing SpazSMS'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/SpazSMS')
+ os.system('mv SpazSMS ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hasher():
+ print '\n###### Installing Hasher'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install passlib binascii progressbar')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/ciku370/hasher')
+ os.system('mv hasher ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hashgenerator():
+ print '\n###### Installing Hash-Generator'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install passlib progressbar')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/ciku370/hash-generator')
+ os.system('mv hash-generator ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def kodork():
+ print '\n###### Installing ko-dork'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install urllib2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/ciku370/ko-dork')
+ os.system('mv ko-dork ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def snitch():
+ print '\n###### Installing snitch'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Smaash/snitch')
+ os.system('mv snitch ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def osif():
+ print '\n###### Installing OSIF'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/ciku370/OSIF')
+ os.system('mv OSIF ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def nk26():
+ print '\n###### Installing nk26'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git php')
+ os.system('git clone ')
+ os.system('mv nk26 ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def devploit():
+ print '\n###### Installing Devploit'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git && python2 -m pip install urllib2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/joker25000/Devploit')
+ os.system('mv Devploit ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hasherdotid():
+ print '\n###### Installing Hasherdotid'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/galauerscrew/hasherdotid')
+ os.system('mv hasherdotid ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def namechk():
+ print '\n###### Installing Namechk'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/HA71/Namechk')
+ os.system('mv Namechk ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def xlPy():
+ print '\n###### Installing xl-py'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/albertoanggi/xl-py')
+ os.system('mv xl-py ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def beanshell():
+ print '\n###### Installing Beanshell'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install dpkg wget')
+ os.system('wget https://github.com/amsitlab/amsitlab.github.io/raw/master/dists/termux/amsitlab/binary-all/beanshell_2.04_all.deb')
+ os.system('dpkg -i beanshell_2.04_all.deb')
+ os.system('rm beanshell_2.04_all.deb')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'bsh' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def msfpg():
+ print '\n###### Installing MSF-Pg'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/haxzsadik/MSF-Pg')
+ os.system('mv MSF-Pg ~')
+ print "###### Done"
+ backtomenu_option()
+def crunch():
+ print '\n###### Installing Crunch'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install unstable-repo')
+ os.system('apt install crunch')
+ print "###### Done"
+ print "###### Type 'crunch' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def webconn():
+ print '\n###### Installing WebConn'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/SkyKnight-Team/WebConn')
+ os.system('mv WebConn ~')
+ print "###### Done"
+ backtomenu_option()
+def binploit():
+ print '\n###### Installing Binary Exploitation'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install gdb radare2 ired ddrescue bin-utils yasm strace ltrace cdb hexcurse memcached llvmdb')
+ print "###### Done"
+ print "###### Tutorial: https://youtu.be/3NTXFUxcKPc"
+ backtomenu_option()
+def textr():
+ print '\n###### Installing Textr'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install dpkg wget')
+ os.system('wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amsitlab/textr/master/textr_1.0_all.deb')
+ os.system('dpkg -i textr_1.0_all.deb')
+ os.system('rm textr_1.0_all.deb')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'textr' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def apsca():
+ print '\n###### Installing ApSca'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install dpkg wget')
+ os.system('wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BlackHoleSecurity/apsca/master/apsca_0.1_all.deb')
+ os.system('dpkg -i apsca_0.1_all.deb')
+ os.system('rm apsca_0.1_all.deb')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'apsca' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def amox():
+ print '\n###### Installing amox'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install dpkg wget')
+ os.system('wget https://gitlab.com/dtlily/amox/raw/master/amox_1.0_all.deb')
+ os.system('dpkg -i amox_1.0_all.deb')
+ os.system('rm amox_1.0_all.deb')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'amox' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def fade():
+ print '\n###### Installing FaDe'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/FaDe')
+ os.system('mv FaDe ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def ginf():
+ print '\n###### Installing GINF'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git php')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/GINF')
+ os.system('mv GINF ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def auxile():
+ print '\n###### Installing AUXILE'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install requests bs4 pexpect')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/CiKu370/AUXILE')
+ os.system('mv AUXILE ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def inther():
+ print '\n###### Installing inther'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git ruby')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/inther')
+ os.system('mv inther ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hpb():
+ print '\n###### Installing HPB'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install dpkg wget')
+ os.system('wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cvar1984/HPB/master/html_0.1_all.deb')
+ os.system('dpkg -i html_0.1_all.deb')
+ os.system('rm html_0.1_all.deb')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'hpb' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def fmbrute():
+ print '\n###### Installing FMBrute'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python && python -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/BlackHoleSecurity/FMBrute')
+ os.system('mv FMBrute ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hashid():
+ print '\n###### Installing HashID'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 && python2 -m pip install hashid')
+ print "###### Done"
+ print "###### Type 'hashid -h' to show usage of hashid"
+ backtomenu_option()
+def gpstr():
+ print '\n###### Installing GPS Tracking'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install php git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/indosecid/gps_tracking')
+ os.system('mv gps_tracking ~')
+ print "###### Done"
+ backtomenu_option()
+def pret():
+ print '\n###### Installing PRET'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 imagemagick git')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install colorama pysnmp')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/RUB-NDS/PRET')
+ os.system('mv PRET ~')
+ print "###### Done"
+ backtomenu_option()
+def autovisitor():
+ print '\n###### Installing AutoVisitor'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git curl')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/wannabeee/AutoVisitor')
+ os.system('mv AutoVisitor ~')
+ print "###### Done"
+ backtomenu_option()
+def atlas():
+ print '\n###### Installing Atlas'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install urllib2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/m4ll0k/Atlas')
+ os.system('mv Atlas ~')
+ print "###### Done"
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hashcat():
+ print '\n###### Installing Hashcat'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install unstable-repo')
+ os.system('apt install hashcat')
+ print "###### Done"
+ print "###### Type 'hashcat' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def liteotp():
+ print '\n###### Installing LiteOTP'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install php wget')
+ os.system('wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cvar1984/LiteOTP/master/build/main.phar -O $PREFIX/bin/lite')
+ print "###### Done"
+ print "###### Type 'lite' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def fbbrutex():
+ print '\n###### Installing FBBrute'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python && python -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/FBBrute')
+ os.system('mv FBBrute ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def fim():
+ print '\n###### Installing fim'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python && python -m pip install requests bs4')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/karjok/fim')
+ os.system('mv fim ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def rshell():
+ print '\n###### Installing RShell'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python && python -m pip install colorama')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Jishu-Epic/RShell')
+ os.system('mv RShell ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def termpyter():
+ print '\n###### Installing TermPyter'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Jishu-Epic/TermPyter')
+ os.system('mv TermPyter ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def maxsubdofinder():
+ print '\n###### Installing MaxSubdoFinder'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/maxteroit/MaxSubdoFinder')
+ os.system('mv MaxSubdoFinder ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def jadx():
+ print '\n###### Installing jadx'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install dpkg wget')
+ os.system('wget https://github.com/Lexiie/Termux-Jadx/blob/master/jadx-0.6.1_all.deb?raw=true')
+ os.system('dpkg -i jadx-0.6.1_all.deb?raw=true')
+ os.system('rm -rf jadx-0.6.1_all.deb?raw=true')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/ubuntu.ttf b/app/ubuntu.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5de3ad
Binary files /dev/null and b/app/ubuntu.ttf differ
diff --git a/app/version.txt b/app/version.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f8e9b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/version.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/__init__.py b/core/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/core/lazymux.png b/core/lazymux.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3892016
Binary files /dev/null and b/core/lazymux.png differ
diff --git a/core/lzmcore.py b/core/lzmcore.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e7ede2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/lzmcore.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1154 @@
+## lzmcore.py - useful module of Lazymux
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+lazymux_banner = """
+: :
+: : .--. .---. .-..-.,-.,-.,-..-..-..-.,-.
+: :__ ' .; ; `-'_.': :; :: ,. ,. :: :; :`. .'
+:___.'`.__,_;`.___;`._. ;:_;:_;:_;`.__.':_,._;
+ .-. :
+ `._.'
+backtomenu_banner = """
+ [99] Back to main menu
+ [00] Exit the Lazymux
+def restart_program():
+ python = sys.executable
+ os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv)
+ curdir = os.getcwd()
+def backtomenu_option():
+ print backtomenu_banner
+ backtomenu = raw_input("lzmx > ")
+ if backtomenu == "99":
+ restart_program()
+ elif backtomenu == "00":
+ sys.exit()
+ else:
+ print "\nERROR: Wrong Input"
+ time.sleep(2)
+ restart_program()
+def banner():
+ print lazymux_banner
+def nmap():
+ print '\n###### Installing Nmap'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install nmap')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'nmap' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def red_hawk():
+ print '\n###### Installing RED HAWK'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git php')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Tuhinshubhra/RED_HAWK')
+ os.system('mv RED_HAWK ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def dtect():
+ print '\n###### Installing D-Tect'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/bibortone/D-Tech')
+ os.system('mv D-TECT ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sqlmap():
+ print '\n###### Installing sqlmap'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap')
+ os.system('mv sqlmap ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def infoga():
+ print '\n###### Installing Infoga'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests urllib3 urlparse')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/m4ll0k/Infoga')
+ os.system('mv Infoga ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def reconDog():
+ print '\n###### Installing ReconDog'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/ReconDog')
+ os.system('mv ReconDog ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def androZenmap():
+ print '\n###### Installing AndroZenmap'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install nmap curl')
+ os.system('curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gameye98/Gameye98.github.io/master/scripts/androzenmap.sh')
+ os.system('mkdir ~/AndroZenmap')
+ os.system('mv androzenmap.sh ~/AndroZenmap')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sqlmate():
+ print '\n###### Installing sqlmate'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install mechanize bs4 HTMLparser argparse requests urlparse2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/sqlmate')
+ os.system('mv sqlmate ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def astraNmap():
+ print '\n###### Installing AstraNmap'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git nmap')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/AstraNmap')
+ os.system('mv AstraNmap ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def wtf():
+ print '\n###### Installing WTF'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip bs4 requests HTMLParser urlparse mechanize argparse')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Xi4u7/wtf')
+ os.system('mv wtf ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def easyMap():
+ print '\n###### Installing Easymap'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install php git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Cvar1984/Easymap')
+ os.system('mv Easymap ~')
+ os.system('cd ~/Easymap && sh install.sh')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def xd3v():
+ print '\n###### Installing XD3v'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install curl')
+ os.system('curl -k -O https://gist.github.com/Gameye98/92035588bd0228df6fb7fa77a5f26bc2/raw/f8e73cd3d9f2a72bd536087bb6ba7bc8baef7d1d/xd3v.sh')
+ os.system('mv xd3v.sh ~/../usr/bin/xd3v && chmod +x ~/../usr/bin/xd3v')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'xd3v' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def crips():
+ print '\n###### Installing Crips'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install git python2 openssl curl libcurl wget")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/Manisso/Crips")
+ os.system("mv Crips ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sir():
+ print '\n###### Installing SIR'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install python2 git")
+ os.system("python2 -m pip install bs4 urllib2")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/AeonDave/sir.git")
+ os.system("mv sir ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def xshell():
+ print '\n###### Installing Xshell'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install lynx python2 figlet ruby php nano w3m")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/Ubaii/Xshell")
+ os.system("mv Xshell ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def evilURL():
+ print '\n###### Installing EvilURL'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install git python2 python3")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/UndeadSec/EvilURL")
+ os.system("mv EvilURL ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def striker():
+ print '\n###### Installing Striker'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/Striker')
+ os.system('mv Striker ~')
+ os.system('cd ~/Striker && python2 -m pip install -r requirements.txt')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def dsss():
+ print '\n###### Installing DSSS'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/stamparm/DSSS')
+ os.system('mv DSSS ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sqliv():
+ print '\n###### Installing SQLiv'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Hadesy2k/sqliv')
+ os.system('mv sqliv ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sqlscan():
+ print '\n###### Installing sqlscan'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git php')
+ os.system('git clone http://www.github.com/Cvar1984/sqlscan')
+ os.system('mv sqlscan ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def wordpreSScan():
+ print '\n###### Installing Wordpresscan'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 python2-dev clang libxml2-dev libxml2-utils libxslt-dev')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/swisskyrepo/Wordpresscan')
+ os.system('mv Wordpresscan ~')
+ os.system('cd ~/Wordpresscan && python2 -m pip install -r requirements.txt')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def wpscan():
+ print '\n###### Installing WPScan'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git ruby curl')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/wpscanteam/wpscan')
+ os.system('mv wpscan ~ && cd ~/wpscan')
+ os.system('gem install bundle && bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries && bundle install && ruby wpscan.rb --update')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def wordpresscan():
+ print '\n###### Installing wordpresscan(2)'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install nmap figlet git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/silverhat007/termux-wordpresscan')
+ os.system('cd termux-wordpresscan && chmod +x * && sh install.sh')
+ os.system('mv termux-wordpresscan ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'wordpresscan' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def routersploit():
+ print '\n###### Installing Routersploit'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/reverse-shell/routersploit')
+ os.system('mv routersploit ~;cd ~/routersploit;python2 -m pip install -r requirements.txt;termux-fix-shebang rsf.py')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def torshammer():
+ print '\n###### Installing Torshammer'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/dotfighter/torshammer')
+ os.system('mv torshammer ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def slowloris():
+ print '\n###### Installing Slowloris'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/gkbrk/slowloris')
+ os.system('mv slowloris ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def fl00d12():
+ print '\n###### Installing Fl00d & Fl00d2'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 curl')
+ os.system('mkdir ~/fl00d')
+ os.system('curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gameye98/Gameye98.github.io/master/scripts/fl00d.py')
+ os.system('curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gameye98/Gameye98.github.io/master/scripts/fl00d2.py')
+ os.system('mv fl00d.py ~/fl00d && mv fl00d2.py ~/fl00d')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def goldeneye():
+ print '\n###### Installing GoldenEye'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/jseidl/GoldenEye')
+ os.system('mv GoldenEye ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def xerxes():
+ print '\n###### Installing Xerxes'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git')
+ os.system('apt install clang')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/zanyarjamal/xerxes')
+ os.system('mv xerxes ~')
+ os.system('cd ~/xerxes && clang xerxes.c -o xerxes')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def planetwork_ddos():
+ print '\n###### Installing Planetwork-DDOS'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Hydra7/Planetwork-DDOS')
+ os.system('mv Planetwork-DDOS ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hydra():
+ print '\n###### Installing Hydra'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install hydra')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def black_hydra():
+ print '\n###### Installing Black Hydra'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install hydra git python2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/Black-Hydra')
+ os.system('mv Black-Hydra ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def cupp():
+ print '\n###### Installing Cupp'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Mebus/cupp')
+ os.system('mv cupp ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def asu():
+ print '\n###### Installing ASU'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 php')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests bs4 mechanize')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/LOoLzeC/ASU')
+ os.system('mv ASU ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hash_buster():
+ print '\n###### Installing Hash-Buster'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/Hash-Buster')
+ os.system('mv Hash-Buster ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def instaHack():
+ print '\n###### Installing InstaHack'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/avramit/instahack')
+ os.system('mv instahack ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def indonesian_wordlist():
+ print '\n###### Installing indonesian-wordlist'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/geovedi/indonesian-wordlist')
+ os.system('mv indonesian-wordlist ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def fbBrute():
+ print '\n###### Installing Facebook Brute Force 3'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install curl python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install mechanize')
+ os.system('curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gameye98/Gameye98.github.io/master/scripts/facebook3.py')
+ os.system('curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Gameye98/Gameye98.github.io/master/wordlist/password.txt')
+ os.system('mkdir ~/facebook-brute-3')
+ os.system('mv facebook3.py ~/facebook-brute-3 && mv password.txt ~/facebook-brute-3')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def webdav():
+ print '\n###### Installing Webdav'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 openssl curl libcurl')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install urllib3 chardet certifi idna requests')
+ os.system('mkdir ~/webdav')
+ os.system('curl -k -O http://override.waper.co/files/webdav.txt;mv webdav.txt ~/webdav/webdav.py')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def xGans():
+ print '\n###### Installing xGans'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 curl')
+ os.system('mkdir ~/xGans')
+ os.system('curl -O http://override.waper.co/files/xgans.txt')
+ os.system('mv xgans.txt ~/xGans/xgans.py')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def webmassploit():
+ print '\n###### Installing Webdav Mass Exploiter'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install python2 openssl curl libcurl")
+ os.system("python2 -m pip install requests")
+ os.system("curl -k -O https://pastebin.com/raw/K1VYVHxX && mv K1VYVHxX webdav.py")
+ os.system("mkdir ~/webdav-mass-exploit && mv webdav.py ~/webdav-mass-exploit")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def wpsploit():
+ print '\n###### Installing WPSploit'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone git clone https://github.com/m4ll0k/wpsploit')
+ os.system('mv wpsploit ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sqldump():
+ print '\n###### Installing sqldump'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 curl')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install google')
+ os.system('curl -k -O https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Gameye98/76076c9a282a6f32749894d5368024a6/raw/6f9e754f2f81ab2b8efda30603dc8306c65bd651/sqldump.py')
+ os.system('mkdir ~/sqldump && chmod +x sqldump.py && mv sqldump.py ~/sqldump')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def websploit():
+ print '\n###### Installing Websploit'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install scapy')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/The404Hacking/websploit')
+ os.system('mv websploit ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sqlokmed():
+ print '\n###### Installing sqlokmed'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install urllib2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Anb3rSecID/sqlokmed')
+ os.system('mv sqlokmed ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def zones():
+ print '\n###### Installing zones'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install git php")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/Cvar1984/zones")
+ os.system("mv zones ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def metasploit():
+ print '\n###### Installing Metasploit'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install git wget curl")
+ os.system("wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Gameye98/d31055c2d71f2fa5b1fe8c7e691b998c/raw/09e43daceac3027a1458ba43521d9c6c9795d2cb/msfinstall.sh")
+ os.system("mv msfinstall.sh ~;cd ~;sh msfinstall.sh")
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'msfconsole' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def commix():
+ print '\n###### Installing Commix'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/commixproject/commix')
+ os.system('mv commix ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def brutal():
+ print '\n###### Installing Brutal'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Screetsec/Brutal')
+ os.system('mv Brutal ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def a_rat():
+ print '\n###### Installing A-Rat'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Xi4u7/A-Rat')
+ os.system('mv A-Rat ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def knockmail():
+ print '\n###### Installing KnockMail'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install validate_email pyDNS')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/4w4k3/KnockMail')
+ os.system('mv KnockMail ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def spammer_grab():
+ print '\n###### Installing Spammer-Grab'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git && python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/p4kl0nc4t/spammer-grab')
+ os.system('mv spammer-grab ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hac():
+ print '\n###### Installing Hac'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install php git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Cvar1984/Hac')
+ os.system('mv Hac ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def spammer_email():
+ print '\n###### Installing Spammer-Email'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install argparse requests")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/p4kl0nc4t/Spammer-Email")
+ os.system("mv Spammer-Email ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def rang3r():
+ print '\n###### Installing Rang3r'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install optparse termcolor")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/floriankunushevci/rang3r")
+ os.system("mv rang3r ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sh33ll():
+ print '\n###### Installing SH33LL'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install git python2")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/LOoLzeC/SH33LL")
+ os.system("mv SH33LL ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def social():
+ print '\n###### Installing Social-Engineering'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install python2 perl")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/LOoLzeC/social-engineering")
+ os.system("mv social-engineering ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def spiderbot():
+ print '\n###### Installing SpiderBot'
+ os.system("apt update && apt upgrade")
+ os.system("apt install git php")
+ os.system("git clone https://github.com/Cvar1984/SpiderBot")
+ os.system("mv SpiderBot ~")
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def ngrok():
+ print '\n###### Installing Ngrok'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/themastersunil/ngrok')
+ os.system('mv ngrok ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sudo():
+ print '\n###### Installing sudo'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install ncurses-utils git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/st42/termux-sudo')
+ os.system('mv termux-sudo ~ && cd ~/termux-sudo && chmod 777 *')
+ os.system('cat sudo > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sudo')
+ os.system('chmod 700 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sudo')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def ubuntu():
+ print '\n###### Installing Ubuntu'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Neo-Oli/termux-ubuntu')
+ os.system('mv termux-ubuntu ~ && cd ~/termux-ubuntu && bash ubuntu.sh')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def fedora():
+ print '\n###### Installing Fedora'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install wget git')
+ os.system('wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nmilosev/termux-fedora/master/termux-fedora.sh')
+ os.system('mv termux-fedora.sh ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def nethunter():
+ print '\n###### Installing Kali NetHunter'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Hax4us/Nethunter-In-Termux')
+ os.system('mv Nethunter-In-Termux ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def blackbox():
+ print '\n###### Installing BlackBox'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git && python2 -m pip install optparse passlib')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/jothatron/blackbox')
+ os.system('mv blackbox ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def xattacker():
+ print '\n###### Installing XAttacker'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git perl')
+ os.system('cpnm install HTTP::Request')
+ os.system('cpnm install LWP::Useragent')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Moham3dRiahi/XAttacker')
+ os.system('mv XAttacker ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def vcrt():
+ print '\n###### Installing VCRT'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/LOoLzeC/Evil-create-framework')
+ os.system('mv Evil-create-framework ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def socfish():
+ print '\n###### Installing SocialFish'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git && python2 -m pip install wget')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/UndeadSec/SocialFish')
+ os.system('mv SocialFish ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def ecode():
+ print '\n###### Installing ECode'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install php git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Cvar1984/Ecode')
+ os.system('mv Ecode ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hashzer():
+ print '\n###### Installing Hashzer'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Anb3rSecID/Hashzer')
+ os.system('mv Hashzer ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def xsstrike():
+ print '\n###### Installing XSStrike'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install fuzzywuzzy prettytable mechanize HTMLParser')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/XSStrike')
+ os.system('mv XSStrike ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def breacher():
+ print '\n###### Installing Breacher'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests argparse')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/Breacher')
+ os.system('mv Breacher ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def stylemux():
+ print '\n###### Installing Termux-Styling'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/BagazMukti/Termux-Styling-Shell-Script')
+ os.system('mv Termux-Styling-Shell-Script ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def txtool():
+ print '\n###### Installing TXTool'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 nmap php curl')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/kuburan/txtool')
+ os.system('mv txtool ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def passgencvar():
+ print '\n###### Installing PassGen'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git php')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Cvar1984/PassGen')
+ os.system('mv PassGen ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def owscan():
+ print '\n###### Installing OWScan'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git php')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/OWScan')
+ os.system('mv OWScan ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def sanlen():
+ print '\n###### Installing santet-online'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/santet-online')
+ os.system('mv santet-online ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def spazsms():
+ print '\n###### Installing SpazSMS'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/SpazSMS')
+ os.system('mv SpazSMS ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hasher():
+ print '\n###### Installing Hasher'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install passlib binascii progressbar')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/ciku370/hasher')
+ os.system('mv hasher ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hashgenerator():
+ print '\n###### Installing Hash-Generator'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install passlib progressbar')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/ciku370/hash-generator')
+ os.system('mv hash-generator ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def kodork():
+ print '\n###### Installing ko-dork'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install urllib2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/ciku370/ko-dork')
+ os.system('mv ko-dork ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def snitch():
+ print '\n###### Installing snitch'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Smaash/snitch')
+ os.system('mv snitch ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def osif():
+ print '\n###### Installing OSIF'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/ciku370/OSIF')
+ os.system('mv OSIF ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def nk26():
+ print '\n###### Installing nk26'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git php')
+ os.system('git clone ')
+ os.system('mv nk26 ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def devploit():
+ print '\n###### Installing Devploit'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git && python2 -m pip install urllib2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/joker25000/Devploit')
+ os.system('mv Devploit ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hasherdotid():
+ print '\n###### Installing Hasherdotid'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/galauerscrew/hasherdotid')
+ os.system('mv hasherdotid ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def namechk():
+ print '\n###### Installing Namechk'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/HA71/Namechk')
+ os.system('mv Namechk ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def xlPy():
+ print '\n###### Installing xl-py'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/albertoanggi/xl-py')
+ os.system('mv xl-py ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def beanshell():
+ print '\n###### Installing Beanshell'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install dpkg wget')
+ os.system('wget https://github.com/amsitlab/amsitlab.github.io/raw/master/dists/termux/amsitlab/binary-all/beanshell_2.04_all.deb')
+ os.system('dpkg -i beanshell_2.04_all.deb')
+ os.system('rm beanshell_2.04_all.deb')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'bsh' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def msfpg():
+ print '\n###### Installing MSF-Pg'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/haxzsadik/MSF-Pg')
+ os.system('mv MSF-Pg ~')
+ print "###### Done"
+ backtomenu_option()
+def crunch():
+ print '\n###### Installing Crunch'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install unstable-repo')
+ os.system('apt install crunch')
+ print "###### Done"
+ print "###### Type 'crunch' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def webconn():
+ print '\n###### Installing WebConn'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/SkyKnight-Team/WebConn')
+ os.system('mv WebConn ~')
+ print "###### Done"
+ backtomenu_option()
+def binploit():
+ print '\n###### Installing Binary Exploitation'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install gdb radare2 ired ddrescue bin-utils yasm strace ltrace cdb hexcurse memcached llvmdb')
+ print "###### Done"
+ print "###### Tutorial: https://youtu.be/3NTXFUxcKPc"
+ backtomenu_option()
+def textr():
+ print '\n###### Installing Textr'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install dpkg wget')
+ os.system('wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/amsitlab/textr/master/textr_1.0_all.deb')
+ os.system('dpkg -i textr_1.0_all.deb')
+ os.system('rm textr_1.0_all.deb')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'textr' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def apsca():
+ print '\n###### Installing ApSca'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install dpkg wget')
+ os.system('wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BlackHoleSecurity/apsca/master/apsca_0.1_all.deb')
+ os.system('dpkg -i apsca_0.1_all.deb')
+ os.system('rm apsca_0.1_all.deb')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'apsca' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def amox():
+ print '\n###### Installing amox'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install dpkg wget')
+ os.system('wget https://gitlab.com/dtlily/amox/raw/master/amox_1.0_all.deb')
+ os.system('dpkg -i amox_1.0_all.deb')
+ os.system('rm amox_1.0_all.deb')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'amox' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def fade():
+ print '\n###### Installing FaDe'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/FaDe')
+ os.system('mv FaDe ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def ginf():
+ print '\n###### Installing GINF'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git php')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/GINF')
+ os.system('mv GINF ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def auxile():
+ print '\n###### Installing AUXILE'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install requests bs4 pexpect')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/CiKu370/AUXILE')
+ os.system('mv AUXILE ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def inther():
+ print '\n###### Installing inther'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git ruby')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/inther')
+ os.system('mv inther ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hpb():
+ print '\n###### Installing HPB'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install dpkg wget')
+ os.system('wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cvar1984/HPB/master/html_0.1_all.deb')
+ os.system('dpkg -i html_0.1_all.deb')
+ os.system('rm html_0.1_all.deb')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'hpb' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def fmbrute():
+ print '\n###### Installing FMBrute'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python && python -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/BlackHoleSecurity/FMBrute')
+ os.system('mv FMBrute ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hashid():
+ print '\n###### Installing HashID'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 && python2 -m pip install hashid')
+ print "###### Done"
+ print "###### Type 'hashid -h' to show usage of hashid"
+ backtomenu_option()
+def gpstr():
+ print '\n###### Installing GPS Tracking'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install php git')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/indosecid/gps_tracking')
+ os.system('mv gps_tracking ~')
+ print "###### Done"
+ backtomenu_option()
+def pret():
+ print '\n###### Installing PRET'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install python2 imagemagick git')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install colorama pysnmp')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/RUB-NDS/PRET')
+ os.system('mv PRET ~')
+ print "###### Done"
+ backtomenu_option()
+def autovisitor():
+ print '\n###### Installing AutoVisitor'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git curl')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/wannabeee/AutoVisitor')
+ os.system('mv AutoVisitor ~')
+ print "###### Done"
+ backtomenu_option()
+def atlas():
+ print '\n###### Installing Atlas'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2 && python2 -m pip install urllib2')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/m4ll0k/Atlas')
+ os.system('mv Atlas ~')
+ print "###### Done"
+ backtomenu_option()
+def hashcat():
+ print '\n###### Installing Hashcat'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install unstable-repo')
+ os.system('apt install hashcat')
+ print "###### Done"
+ print "###### Type 'hashcat' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def liteotp():
+ print '\n###### Installing LiteOTP'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install php wget')
+ os.system('wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cvar1984/LiteOTP/master/build/main.phar -O $PREFIX/bin/lite')
+ print "###### Done"
+ print "###### Type 'lite' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def fbbrutex():
+ print '\n###### Installing FBBrute'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python && python -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/FBBrute')
+ os.system('mv FBBrute ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def fim():
+ print '\n###### Installing fim'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python && python -m pip install requests bs4')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/karjok/fim')
+ os.system('mv fim ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def rshell():
+ print '\n###### Installing RShell'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python && python -m pip install colorama')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Jishu-Epic/RShell')
+ os.system('mv RShell ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def termpyter():
+ print '\n###### Installing TermPyter'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Jishu-Epic/TermPyter')
+ os.system('mv TermPyter ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def maxsubdofinder():
+ print '\n###### Installing MaxSubdoFinder'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/maxteroit/MaxSubdoFinder')
+ os.system('mv MaxSubdoFinder ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def jadx():
+ print '\n###### Installing jadx'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install dpkg wget')
+ os.system('wget https://github.com/Lexiie/Termux-Jadx/blob/master/jadx-0.6.1_all.deb?raw=true')
+ os.system('dpkg -i jadx-0.6.1_all.deb?raw=true')
+ os.system('rm -rf jadx-0.6.1_all.deb?raw=true')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'jadx' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def pwnedornot():
+ print '\n###### Installing pwnedOrNot'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python')
+ os.system('python -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/thewhiteh4t/pwnedOrNot')
+ os.system('mv pwnedOrNot ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def maclook():
+ print '\n###### Installing Mac-Lookup'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python')
+ os.system('python -m pip install requests')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/T4P4N/Mac-Lookup')
+ os.system('mv Mac-Lookup ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
+def f4k3():
+ print '\n###### Installing F4K3'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install dpkg wget')
+ os.system('wget https://github.com/Gameye98/Gameye98.github.io/blob/master/package/f4k3_1.0_all.deb')
+ os.system('dpkg -i f4k3_1.0_all.deb')
+ os.system('rm -rf f4k3_1.0_all.deb')
+ print '###### Done'
+ print "###### Type 'f4k3' to start."
+ backtomenu_option()
+def katak():
+ print '\n###### Installing Katak'
+ os.system('apt update && apt upgrade')
+ os.system('apt install git python2')
+ os.system('python2 -m pip install requests progressbar')
+ os.system('git clone https://github.com/Gameye98/Katak')
+ os.system('mv Katak ~')
+ print '###### Done'
+ backtomenu_option()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lazymux.py b/lazymux.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7753f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lazymux.py
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+## lazymux.py - Lazymux v3.0
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os
+import sys
+from time import sleep as timeout
+from core.lzmcore import *
+def main():
+ banner()
+ print " [01] Information Gathering"
+ print " [02] Vulnerability Scanner"
+ print " [03] Stress Testing"
+ print " [04] Password Attacks"
+ print " [05] Web Hacking"
+ print " [06] Exploitation Tools"
+ print " [07] Sniffing & Spoofing"
+ print " [08] Other\n"
+ print " [10] Exit the Lazymux\n"
+ lazymux = raw_input("lzmx > ")
+ if lazymux == "1" or lazymux == "01":
+ print "\n [01] Nmap"
+ print " [02] Red Hawk"
+ print " [03] D-Tect"
+ print " [04] sqlmap"
+ print " [05] Infoga"
+ print " [06] ReconDog"
+ print " [07] AndroZenmap"
+ print " [08] sqlmate"
+ print " [09] AstraNmap"
+ print " [10] WTF"
+ print " [11] Easymap"
+ print " [12] BlackBox"
+ print " [13] XD3v"
+ print " [14] Crips"
+ print " [15] SIR"
+ print " [16] EvilURL"
+ print " [17] Striker"
+ print " [18] Xshell"
+ print " [19] OWScan"
+ print " [20] OSIF"
+ print " [21] Devploit"
+ print " [22] Namechk"
+ print " [23] AUXILE"
+ print " [24] inther"
+ print " [25] GINF"
+ print " [26] GPS Tracking"
+ print " [27] ASU"
+ print " [28] fim"
+ print " [29] MaxSubdoFinder"
+ print " [30] pwnedOrNot"
+ print " [31] Mac-Lookup\n"
+ print " [00] Back to main menu\n"
+ infogathering = raw_input("lzmx > ")
+ if infogathering == "01" or infogathering == "1":
+ nmap()
+ elif infogathering == "02" or infogathering == "2":
+ red_hawk()
+ elif infogathering == "03" or infogathering == "3":
+ dtect()
+ elif infogathering == "04" or infogathering == "4":
+ sqlmap()
+ elif infogathering == "05" or infogathering == "5":
+ infoga()
+ elif infogathering == "06" or infogathering == "6":
+ reconDog()
+ elif infogathering == "07" or infogathering == "7":
+ androZenmap()
+ elif infogathering == "08" or infogathering == "8":
+ sqlmate()
+ elif infogathering == "09" or infogathering == "9":
+ astraNmap()
+ elif infogathering == "10":
+ wtf()
+ elif infogathering == "11":
+ easyMap()
+ elif infogathering == "12":
+ blackbox()
+ elif infogathering == "13":
+ xd3v()
+ elif infogathering == "14":
+ crips()
+ elif infogathering == "15":
+ sir()
+ elif infogathering == "16":
+ evilURL()
+ elif infogathering == "17":
+ striker()
+ elif infogathering == "18":
+ xshell()
+ elif infogathering == "19":
+ owscan()
+ elif infogathering == "20":
+ osif()
+ elif infogathering == "21":
+ devploit()
+ elif infogathering == "22":
+ namechk()
+ elif infogathering == "23":
+ auxile()
+ elif infogathering == "24":
+ inther()
+ elif infogathering == "25":
+ ginf()
+ elif infogathering == "26":
+ gpstr()
+ elif infogathering == "27":
+ asu()
+ elif infogathering == "28":
+ fim()
+ elif infogathering == "29":
+ maxsubdofinder()
+ elif infogathering == "30":
+ pwnedOrNot()
+ elif infogathering == "31":
+ maclook()
+ elif infogathering == "00" or infogathering == "0":
+ restart_program()
+ else:
+ print "\nERROR: Wrong Input"
+ timeout(2)
+ restart_program()
+ elif lazymux == "2" or lazymux == "02":
+ print "\n [01] Nmap"
+ print " [02] AndroZenmap"
+ print " [03] AstraNmap"
+ print " [04] Easymap"
+ print " [05] Red Hawk"
+ print " [06] D-Tect"
+ print " [07] Damn Small SQLi Scanner"
+ print " [08] SQLiv"
+ print " [09] sqlmap"
+ print " [10] sqlscan"
+ print " [11] Wordpresscan"
+ print " [12] WPScan"
+ print " [13] sqlmate"
+ print " [14] wordpresscan"
+ print " [15] WTF"
+ print " [16] Rang3r"
+ print " [17] Striker"
+ print " [18] Routersploit"
+ print " [19] Xshell"
+ print " [20] SH33LL"
+ print " [21] BlackBox"
+ print " [22] XAttacker"
+ print " [23] OWScan\n"
+ print " [00] Back to main menu\n"
+ vulnscan = raw_input("lzmx > ")
+ if vulnscan == "01" or vulnscan == "1":
+ nmap()
+ elif vulnscan == "02" or vulnscan == "2":
+ androZenmap()
+ elif vulnscan == "03" or vulnscan == "3":
+ astraNmap()
+ elif vulnscan == "04" or vulnscan == "4":
+ easyMap()
+ elif vulnscan == "05" or vulnscan == "5":
+ red_hawk()
+ elif vulnscan == "06" or vulnscan == "6":
+ dtect()
+ elif vulnscan == "07" or vulnscan == "7":
+ dsss()
+ elif vulnscan == "08" or vulnscan == "8":
+ sqliv()
+ elif vulnscan == "09" or vulnscan == "9":
+ sqlmap()
+ elif vulnscan == "10":
+ sqlscan()
+ elif vulnscan == "11":
+ wordpreSScan()
+ elif vulnscan == "12":
+ wpscan()
+ elif vulnscan == "13":
+ sqlmate()
+ elif vulnscan == "14":
+ wordpresscan()
+ elif vulnscan == "15":
+ wtf()
+ elif vulnscan == "16":
+ rang3r()
+ elif vulnscan == "17":
+ striker()
+ elif vulnscan == "18":
+ routersploit()
+ elif vulnscan == "19":
+ xshell()
+ elif vulnscan == "20":
+ sh33ll()
+ elif vulnscan == "21":
+ blackbox()
+ elif vulnscan == "22":
+ xattacker()
+ elif vulnscan == "23":
+ owscan()
+ elif vulnscan == "00" or vulnscan == "0":
+ restart_program()
+ else:
+ print "\nERROR: Wrong Input"
+ timeout(2)
+ restart_program()
+ elif lazymux == "3" or lazymux == "03":
+ print "\n [01] Torshammer"
+ print " [02] Slowloris"
+ print " [03] Fl00d & Fl00d2"
+ print " [04] GoldenEye"
+ print " [05] Xerxes"
+ print " [06] Planetwork-DDOS"
+ print " [07] Hydra"
+ print " [08] Black Hydra"
+ print " [09] Xshell"
+ print " [10] santet-online\n"
+ print " [00] Back to main menu\n"
+ stresstest = raw_input("lzmx > ")
+ if stresstest == "01" or stresstest == "1":
+ torshammer()
+ elif stresstest == "02" or stresstest == "2":
+ slowloris()
+ elif stresstest == "03" or stresstest == "3":
+ fl00d12()
+ elif stresstest == "04" or stresstest == "4":
+ goldeneye()
+ elif stresstest == "05" or stresstest == "5":
+ xerxes()
+ elif stresstest == "06" or stresstest == "6":
+ planetwork_ddos()
+ elif stresstest == "07" or stresstest == "7":
+ hydra()
+ elif stresstest == "08" or stresstest == "8":
+ black_hydra()
+ elif stresstest == "09" or stresstest == "9":
+ xshell()
+ elif stresstest == "10":
+ sanlen()
+ elif stresstest == "00" or stresstest == "0":
+ restart_program()
+ else:
+ print "\nERROR: Wrong Input"
+ timeout(2)
+ restart_program()
+ elif lazymux == "4" or lazymux == "04":
+ print "\n [01] Hydra"
+ print " [02] FMBrute"
+ print " [03] HashID"
+ print " [04] Facebook Brute Force 3"
+ print " [05] Black Hydra"
+ print " [06] Hash Buster"
+ print " [07] FBBrute"
+ print " [08] Cupp"
+ print " [09] InstaHack"
+ print " [10] Indonesian Wordlist"
+ print " [11] Xshell"
+ print " [12] Social-Engineering"
+ print " [13] BlackBox"
+ print " [14] Hashzer"
+ print " [15] Hasher"
+ print " [16] Hash-Generator"
+ print " [17] nk26"
+ print " [18] Hasherdotid"
+ print " [19] Crunch"
+ print " [20] Hashcat"
+ print " [21] ASU"
+ print " [22] Katak\n"
+ print " [00] Back to main menu\n"
+ passtak = raw_input("lzmx > ")
+ if passtak == "01" or passtak == "1":
+ hydra()
+ elif passtak == "02" or passtak == "2":
+ fmbrute()
+ elif passtak == "03" or passtak == "3":
+ hashid()
+ elif passtak == "04" or passtak == "4":
+ fbBrute()
+ elif passtak == "05" or passtak == "5":
+ black_hydra()
+ elif passtak == "06" or passtak == "6":
+ hash_buster()
+ elif passtak == "07" or passtak == "7":
+ fbbrutex()
+ elif passtak == "08" or passtak == "8":
+ cupp()
+ elif passtak == "09" or passtak == "9":
+ instaHack()
+ elif passtak == "10":
+ indonesian_wordlist()
+ elif passtak == "11":
+ xshell()
+ elif passtak == "12":
+ social()
+ elif passtak == "13":
+ blackbox()
+ elif passtak == "14":
+ hashzer()
+ elif passtak == "15":
+ hasher()
+ elif passtak == "16":
+ hashgenerator()
+ elif passtak == "17":
+ nk26()
+ elif passtak == "18":
+ hasherdotid()
+ elif passtak == "19":
+ crunch()
+ elif passtak == "20":
+ hashcat()
+ elif passtak == "21":
+ asu()
+ elif passtak == "22":
+ katak()
+ elif passtak == "00" or passtak == "0":
+ restart_program()
+ else:
+ print "\nERROR: Wrong Input"
+ timeout(2)
+ restart_program()
+ elif lazymux == "5" or lazymux == "05":
+ print "\n [01] sqlmap"
+ print " [02] Webdav"
+ print " [03] xGans"
+ print " [04] Webdav Mass Exploit"
+ print " [05] WPSploit"
+ print " [06] sqldump"
+ print " [07] Websploit"
+ print " [08] sqlmate"
+ print " [09] sqlokmed"
+ print " [10] zones"
+ print " [11] Xshell"
+ print " [12] SH33LL"
+ print " [13] XAttacker"
+ print " [14] XSStrike"
+ print " [15] Breacher"
+ print " [16] OWScan"
+ print " [17] ko-dork"
+ print " [18] ApSca"
+ print " [19] amox"
+ print " [20] FaDe"
+ print " [21] AUXILE"
+ print " [22] HPB"
+ print " [23] inther"
+ print " [24] Atlas"
+ print " [25] MaxSubdoFinder\n"
+ print " [00] Back to main menu\n"
+ webhack = raw_input("lzmx > ")
+ if webhack == "01" or webhack == "1":
+ sqlmap()
+ elif webhack == "02" or webhack == "2":
+ webdav()
+ elif webhack == "03" or webhack == "3":
+ xGans()
+ elif webhack == "04" or webhack == "4":
+ webmassploit()
+ elif webhack == "05" or webhack == "5":
+ wpsploit()
+ elif webhack == "06" or webhack == "6":
+ sqldump()
+ elif webhack == "07" or webhack == "7":
+ websploit()
+ elif webhack == "08" or webhack == "8":
+ sqlmate()
+ elif webhack == "09" or webhack == "9":
+ sqlokmed()
+ elif webhack == "10":
+ zones()
+ elif webhack == "11":
+ xshell()
+ elif webhack == "12":
+ sh33ll()
+ elif webhack == "13":
+ xattacker()
+ elif webhack == "14":
+ xsstrike()
+ elif webhack == "15":
+ breacher()
+ elif webhack == "16":
+ owscan()
+ elif webhack == "17":
+ kodork()
+ elif webhack == "18":
+ apsca()
+ elif webhack == "19":
+ amox()
+ elif webhack == "20":
+ fade()
+ elif webhack == "21":
+ auxile()
+ elif webhack == "22":
+ hpb()
+ elif webhack == "23":
+ inther()
+ elif webhack == "24":
+ atlas()
+ elif webhack == "25":
+ maxsubdofinder()
+ elif webhack == "00" or webhack == "0":
+ restart_program()
+ else:
+ print "\nERROR: Wrong Input"
+ timeout(2)
+ restart_program()
+ elif lazymux == "6" or lazymux == "06":
+ print "\n [01] Metasploit"
+ print " [02] commix"
+ print " [03] sqlmap"
+ print " [04] Brutal"
+ print " [05] A-Rat"
+ print " [06] WPSploit"
+ print " [07] Websploit"
+ print " [08] Routersploit"
+ print " [09] BlackBox"
+ print " [10] XAttacker"
+ print " [11] TXTool"
+ print " [12] MSF-Pg"
+ print " [13] Binary Exploitation"
+ print " [14] ASU\n"
+ print " [00] Back to main menu\n"
+ exploitool = raw_input("lzmx > ")
+ if exploitool == "01" or exploitool == "1":
+ metasploit()
+ elif exploitool == "02" or exploitool == "2":
+ commix()
+ elif exploitool == "03" or exploitool == "3":
+ sqlmap()
+ elif exploitool == "04" or exploitool == "4":
+ brutal()
+ elif exploitool == "05" or exploitool == "5":
+ a_rat()
+ elif exploitool == "06" or exploitool == "6":
+ wpsploit()
+ elif exploitool == "07" or exploitool == "7":
+ websploit()
+ elif exploitool == "08" or exploitool == "8":
+ routersploit()
+ elif exploitool == "09" or exploitool == "9":
+ blackbox()
+ elif exploitool == "10":
+ xattacker()
+ elif exploitool == "11":
+ txtool()
+ elif exploitool == "12":
+ msfpg()
+ elif exploitool == "13":
+ binploit()
+ elif exploitool == "14":
+ asu()
+ elif exploitool == "00" or exploitool == "0":
+ restart_program()
+ else:
+ print "\nERROR: Wrong Input"
+ timeout(2)
+ restart_program()
+ elif lazymux == "7" or lazymux == "07":
+ print "\n [01] KnockMail"
+ print " [02] Spammer-Grab"
+ print " [03] Hac"
+ print " [04] Spammer-Email"
+ print " [05] SocialFish"
+ print " [06] santet-online"
+ print " [07] SpazSMS"
+ print " [08] LiteOTP"
+ print " [09] ASU\n"
+ print " [00] Back to main menu\n"
+ sspoof = raw_input("lzmx > ")
+ if sspoof == "01" or sspoof == "1":
+ knockmail()
+ elif sspoof == "02" or sspoof == "2":
+ spammer_grab()
+ elif sspoof == "03" or sspoof == "3":
+ hac()
+ elif sspoof == "04" or sspoof == "4":
+ spammer_email()
+ elif sspoof == "05" or sspoof == "5":
+ socfish()
+ elif sspoof == "06" or sspoof == "6":
+ sanlen()
+ elif sspoof == "07" or sspoof == "7":
+ spazsms()
+ elif sspoof == "08" or sspoof == "8":
+ liteotp()
+ elif sspoof == "09" or sspoof == "9":
+ asu()
+ elif sspoof == "00" or sspoof == "0":
+ restart_program()
+ else:
+ print "\nERROR: Wrong Input"
+ timeout(2)
+ restart_program()
+ elif lazymux == "8" or lazymux == "08":
+ print "\n [01] SpiderBot"
+ print " [02] Ngrok"
+ print " [03] Sudo"
+ print " [04] Ubuntu"
+ print " [05] Fedora"
+ print " [06] Kali Nethunter"
+ print " [07] VCRT"
+ print " [08] E-Code"
+ print " [09] Termux-Styling"
+ print " [10] PassGen"
+ print " [11] xl-py"
+ print " [12] BeanShell"
+ print " [13] WebConn"
+ print " [14] Crunch"
+ print " [15] Textr"
+ print " [16] AutoVisitor"
+ print " [17] RShell"
+ print " [18] TermPyter"
+ print " [19] jadx"
+ print " [20] F4K3\n"
+ print " [00] Back to main menu\n"
+ moretool = raw_input("lzmx > ")
+ if moretool == "01" or moretool == "1":
+ spiderbot()
+ elif moretool == "02" or moretool == "2":
+ ngrok()
+ elif moretool == "03" or moretool == "3":
+ sudo()
+ elif moretool == "04" or moretool == "4":
+ ubuntu()
+ elif moretool == "05" or moretool == "5":
+ fedora()
+ elif moretool == "06" or moretool == "6":
+ nethunter()
+ elif moretool == "07" or moretool == "7":
+ vcrt()
+ elif moretool == "08" or moretool == "8":
+ ecode()
+ elif moretool == "09" or moretool == "9":
+ stylemux()
+ elif moretool == "10":
+ passgencvar()
+ elif moretool == "11":
+ xlPy()
+ elif moretool == "12":
+ beanshell()
+ elif moretool == "13":
+ webconn()
+ elif moretool == "14":
+ crunch()
+ elif moretool == "15":
+ textr()
+ elif moretool == "16":
+ autovisitor()
+ elif moretool == "17":
+ rshell()
+ elif moretool == "18":
+ termpyter()
+ elif moretool == "19":
+ jadx()
+ elif moretool == "20":
+ f4k3()
+ elif moretool == "00" or moretool == "0":
+ restart_program()
+ else:
+ print "\nERROR: Wrong Input"
+ timeout(2)
+ restart_program()
+ elif lazymux == "10":
+ sys.exit()
+ else:
+ print "\nERROR: Wrong Input"
+ timeout(2)
+ restart_program()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
\ No newline at end of file