You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 259
Client Module
Cli modules can call the implemented services in Chain33 directly through the PRC interface. The Cli module can be simply understood as a front-end application.
PRC provides various system services to external applications by providing a series of protocols. In Chain33, GPRC services with protobuf protocol definition and jsonPRC services with Json definition protocol are mainly adopted to provide the same system services for different front-end applications.
1 Call the corresponding PRC interface depending on the instructions entered
2 After the PRC module receives the PRC request, it sends the message to the specified module by setting the topic
3 After the individual modules are processed, the results are returned to the PRC module
4 Finally the PRC module constructs the structure required by the Cli from the information in the response, and return.
Cobra is used in Chain33 to create the instruction set, and rootCmd is the uniform entry point for all instruction sets.
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "Chain33-cli",
Short: "Chain33 client tools",
RootCmd involves two elements in the cobra.Command structure: commands and flags
type Command struct {
// commands is the list of commands supported by this program.
commands []*Command
// flags is full set of flags.
flags *flag.FlagSet
- Commands:Represents an action or instruction to be executed, while each instruction can contain sub-commands.
- Flags: Actions that instructions can perform or filter
Commands add by AddCommand:
// AddCommand adds one or more commands to this parent command.
func (c *Command) AddCommand(cmds ...*Command) {
for i, x := range cmds {
c.commands = append(c.commands, x)
Flags set by AddFlag:
// AddFlag will add the flag to the FlagSet
func (f *FlagSet) AddFlag(flag *Flag) {
Flag can be set as required by function MarkFlagRequired:
func (c *Command) MarkFlagRequired(name string) error {
return MarkFlagRequired(c.Flags(), name)
type PRCCtx struct {
Addr string // Peer PRC addresses
Method string // Call function
Params interface{} // Incoming parameters
Res interface{} // Response
cb Callback // Callback function
PRCCtx creation
func NewPRCCtx(laddr, method string, params, res interface{}) *PRCCtx {
return &PRCCtx{
Addr: laddr,
Method: method,
Params: params,
Res: res,
PRCCtx execution
func (c *PRCCtx) Run() {
result, err := c.RunResult()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
data, err := json.MarshalIndent(result, "", " ")
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
PRC interface currently supported by Chain33
type QueueProtocolAPI interface {
Version() (*types.Reply, error)
NewMessage(topic string, msgid int64, data interface{}) queue.Message
Notify(topic string, ty int64, data interface{}) (queue.Message, error)
// +++++++++++++++ mempool interfaces begin
// Synchronously send the transaction information to the specified module to get the reply message types.EventTx
SendTx(param *types.Transaction) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventTxList
GetTxList(param *types.TxHashList) (*types.ReplyTxList, error)
// types.EventGetMempool
GetMempool() (*types.ReplyTxList, error)
// types.EventGetLastMempool
GetLastMempool() (*types.ReplyTxList, error)
// types.EventQuery
Query(param *types.Query) (*types.Message, error)
// --------------- mempool interfaces end
// +++++++++++++++ execs interfaces begin
// types.EventBlockChainQuery
BlockChainQuery(param *types.BlockChainQuery) (*types.ResUTXOGlobalIndex, error)
// --------------- execs interfaces end
// +++++++++++++++ p2p interfaces begin
// types.EventPeerInfo
PeerInfo() (*types.PeerList, error)
// types.EventGetNetInfo
GetNetInfo() (*types.NodeNetInfo, error)
// --------------- p2p interfaces end
// +++++++++++++++ consensus interfaces begin
// types.EventGetTicketCount
GetTicketCount() (*types.Int64, error)
// --------------- consensus interfaces end
// +++++++++++++++ wallet interfaces begin
// types.EventLocalGet
LocalGet(param *types.LocalDBGet) (*types.LocalReplyValue, error)
// types.EventLocalList
LocalList(param *types.LocalDBList) (*types.LocalReplyValue, error)
// types.EventWalletGetAccountList
WalletGetAccountList(req *types.ReqAccountList) (*types.WalletAccounts, error)
// types.EventNewAccount
NewAccount(param *types.ReqNewAccount) (*types.WalletAccount, error)
// types.EventWalletTransactionList
WalletTransactionList(param *types.ReqWalletTransactionList) (*types.WalletTxDetails, error)
// types.EventWalletImportprivkey
WalletImportprivkey(param *types.ReqWalletImportPrivKey) (*types.WalletAccount, error)
// types.EventWalletSendToAddress
WalletSendToAddress(param *types.ReqWalletSendToAddress) (*types.ReplyHash, error)
// types.EventWalletSetFee
WalletSetFee(param *types.ReqWalletSetFee) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventWalletSetLabel
WalletSetLabel(param *types.ReqWalletSetLabel) (*types.WalletAccount, error)
// types.EventWalletMergeBalance
WalletMergeBalance(param *types.ReqWalletMergeBalance) (*types.ReplyHashes, error)
// types.EventWalletSetPasswd
WalletSetPasswd(param *types.ReqWalletSetPasswd) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventWalletLock
WalletLock() (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventWalletUnLock
WalletUnLock(param *types.WalletUnLock) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventGenSeed
GenSeed(param *types.GenSeedLang) (*types.ReplySeed, error)
// types.EventSaveSeed
SaveSeed(param *types.SaveSeedByPw) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventGetSeed
GetSeed(param *types.GetSeedByPw) (*types.ReplySeed, error)
// types.EventGetWalletStatus
GetWalletStatus() (*types.WalletStatus, error)
// types.EventWalletAutoMiner
WalletAutoMiner(param *types.MinerFlag) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventDumpPrivkey
DumpPrivkey(param *types.ReqStr) (*types.ReplyStr, error)
// types.EventCloseTickets
CloseTickets() (*types.ReplyHashes, error)
// types.EventSignRawTx
SignRawTx(param *types.ReqSignRawTx) (*types.ReplySignRawTx, error)
GetFatalFailure() (*types.Int32, error)
// Privacy Begin
// types.EventShowPrivacyAccountSpend
ShowPrivacyAccountSpend(param *types.ReqPrivBal4AddrToken) (*types.UTXOHaveTxHashs, error)
// types.EventShowPrivacyPK
ShowPrivacyKey(param *types.ReqStr) (*types.ReplyPrivacyPkPair, error)
// types.EventPublic2privacy
Publick2Privacy(param *types.ReqPub2Pri) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventPrivacy2privacy
Privacy2Privacy(param *types.ReqPri2Pri) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventPrivacy2public
Privacy2Public(param *types.ReqPri2Pub) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventCreateUTXOs
CreateUTXOs(param *types.ReqCreateUTXOs) (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventCreateTransaction creating a transaction with the assistance of server
CreateTrasaction(param *types.ReqCreateTransaction) (*types.Transaction, error)
// types.EventPrivacyAccountInfo
ShowPrivacyAccountInfo(param *types.ReqPPrivacyAccount) (*types.ReplyPrivacyAccount, error)
// types.EventPrivacyTransactionList
PrivacyTransactionList(param *types.ReqPrivacyTransactionList) (*types.WalletTxDetails, error)
// types.EventRescanUtxos
RescanUtxos(param *types.ReqRescanUtxos) (*types.RepRescanUtxos, error)
// types.EventEnablePrivacy
EnablePrivacy(param *types.ReqEnablePrivacy) (*types.RepEnablePrivacy, error)
// Privacy End
// --------------- wallet interfaces end
// +++++++++++++++ blockchain interfaces begin
// types.EventGetBlocks
GetBlocks(param *types.ReqBlocks) (*types.BlockDetails, error)
// types.EventQueryTx
QueryTx(param *types.ReqHash) (*types.TransactionDetail, error)
// types.EventGetTransactionByAddr
GetTransactionByAddr(param *types.ReqAddr) (*types.ReplyTxInfos, error)
// types.EventGetTransactionByHash
GetTransactionByHash(param *types.ReqHashes) (*types.TransactionDetails, error)
// types.EventGetHeaders
GetHeaders(param *types.ReqBlocks) (*types.Headers, error)
// types.EventGetBlockOverview
GetBlockOverview(param *types.ReqHash) (*types.BlockOverview, error)
// types.EventGetAddrOverview
GetAddrOverview(param *types.ReqAddr) (*types.AddrOverview, error)
// types.EventGetBlockHash
GetBlockHash(param *types.ReqInt) (*types.ReplyHash, error)
// types.EventIsSync
IsSync() (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventIsNtpClockSync
IsNtpClockSync() (*types.Reply, error)
// types.EventGetLastHeader
GetLastHeader() (*types.Header, error)
GetLastBlockSequence() (*types.Int64, error)
GetBlockSequences(param *types.ReqBlocks) (*types.BlockSequences, error)
GetBlockByHashes(param *types.ReqHashes) (*types.BlockDetails, error)
// --------------- blockchain interfaces end
// +++++++++++++++ store interfaces begin
StoreGet(*types.StoreGet) (*types.StoreReplyValue, error)
StoreGetTotalCoins(*types.IterateRangeByStateHash) (*types.ReplyGetTotalCoins, error)
// --------------- store interfaces end
// +++++++++++++++ other interfaces begin
// close Chain33
CloseQueue() (*types.Reply, error)
// --------------- other interfaces end
Service initialization:
func New(client queue.Client, option *QueueProtocolOption) (QueueProtocolAPI, error) {
if client == nil {
return nil, types.ErrInvalidParam
q := &QueueProtocol{}
q.client = client
if option != nil {
q.option = *option
} else {
q.option.SendTimeout = 600 * time.Second
q.option.WaitTimeout = 600 * time.Second
return q, nil
Wait for response:
func (q *QueueProtocol) query(topic string, ty int64, data interface{}) (queue.Message, error) {
client := q.client
msg := client.NewMessage(topic, ty, data)
err := client.SendTimeout(msg, true, q.option.SendTimeout)
if err != nil {
return queue.Message{}, err
return client.WaitTimeout(msg, q.option.WaitTimeout)
Topic is the key value used by each module when it registers in the message queue, which is defined as follows:
const (
mempoolKey = "mempool" // Unpacked Mempool
p2pKey = "p2p" //
consensusKey = "consensus" // Consensus system
executorKey = "execs" // Transaction actuator
walletKey = "wallet" // Wallet
blockchainKey = "blockchain" // Block
storeKey = "store"
Ty is the type of the event, defined as follows:
// event
const (
EventTx = 1
EventGetBlocks = 2
EventBlocks = 3
EventGetBlockHeight = 4
EventReplyBlockHeight = 5
EventQueryTx = 6
EventTransactionDetail = 7
EventReply = 8
EventTxBroadcast = 9
EventPeerInfo = 10
EventTxList = 11
EventReplyTxList = 12
EventAddBlock = 13
EventBlockBroadcast = 14
EventFetchBlocks = 15
EventAddBlocks = 16
EventTxHashList = 17
EventTxHashListReply = 18
EventGetHeaders = 19
EventHeaders = 20
EventGetMempoolSize = 21
EventMempoolSize = 22
EventStoreGet = 23
EventStoreSet = 24
EventStoreGetReply = 25
EventStoreSetReply = 26
EventReceipts = 27
EventExecTxList = 28
EventPeerList = 29
EventGetLastHeader = 30
EventHeader = 31
EventAddBlockDetail = 32
EventGetMempool = 33
EventGetTransactionByAddr = 34
EventGetTransactionByHash = 35
EventReplyTxInfo = 36
//wallet event
EventWalletGetAccountList = 37
EventWalletAccountList = 38
EventNewAccount = 39
EventWalletAccount = 40
EventWalletTransactionList = 41
//EventReplyTxList = 42
EventWalletImportprivkey = 43
EventWalletSendToAddress = 44
EventWalletSetFee = 45
EventWalletSetLabel = 46
//EventWalletAccount = 47
EventStoreDel = 47
EventWalletMergeBalance = 48
EventReplyHashes = 49
EventWalletSetPasswd = 50
EventWalletLock = 51
EventWalletUnLock = 52
EventTransactionDetails = 53
EventBroadcastAddBlock = 54
EventGetBlockOverview = 55
EventGetAddrOverview = 56
EventReplyBlockOverview = 57
EventReplyAddrOverview = 58
EventGetBlockHash = 59
EventBlockHash = 60
EventGetLastMempool = 61
EventWalletGetTickets = 62
EventMinerStart = 63
EventMinerStop = 64
EventWalletTickets = 65
EventStoreMemSet = 66
EventStoreRollback = 67
EventStoreCommit = 68
EventCheckBlock = 69
EventGenSeed = 70
EventReplyGenSeed = 71
EventSaveSeed = 72
EventGetSeed = 73
EventReplyGetSeed = 74
EventDelBlock = 75
//local store
EventLocalGet = 76
EventLocalReplyValue = 77
EventLocalList = 78
EventLocalSet = 79
EventGetWalletStatus = 80
EventCheckTx = 81
EventReceiptCheckTx = 82
EventQuery = 83
EventReplyQuery = 84
EventFlushTicket = 85
EventFetchBlockHeaders = 86
EventAddBlockHeaders = 87
EventWalletAutoMiner = 88
EventReplyWalletStatus = 89
EventGetLastBlock = 90
EventBlock = 91
EventGetTicketCount = 92
EventReplyGetTicketCount = 93
EventDumpPrivkey = 94
EventReplyPrivkey = 95
EventIsSync = 96
EventReplyIsSync = 97
EventCloseTickets = 98
EventGetAddrTxs = 99
EventReplyAddrTxs = 100
EventIsNtpClockSync = 101
EventReplyIsNtpClockSync = 102
EventDelTxList = 103
EventStoreGetTotalCoins = 104
EventGetTotalCoinsReply = 105
EventQueryTotalFee = 106
EventSignRawTx = 107
EventReplySignRawTx = 108
EventSyncBlock = 109
EventGetNetInfo = 110
EventReplyNetInfo = 111
EventErrToFront = 112
EventFatalFailure = 113
EventReplyFatalFailure = 114
EventBindMiner = 115
EventReplyBindMiner = 116
EventDecodeRawTx = 117
EventReplyDecodeRawTx = 118
EventGetLastBlockSequence = 119
EventReplyLastBlockSequence = 120
EventGetBlockSequences = 121
EventReplyBlockSequences = 122
EventGetBlockByHashes = 123
EventReplyBlockDetailsBySeqs = 124
EventDelParaChainBlockDetail = 125
EventAddParaChainBlockDetail = 126
EventGetSeqByHash = 127
EventLocalPrefixCount = 128
// Token
EventBlockChainQuery = 212
EventTokenPreCreate = 200
EventReplyTokenPreCreate = 201
EventTokenFinishCreate = 202
EventReplyTokenFinishCreate = 203
EventTokenRevokeCreate = 204
EventReplyTokenRevokeCreate = 205
EventSellToken = 206
EventReplySellToken = 207
EventBuyToken = 208
EventReplyBuyToken = 209
EventRevokeSellToken = 210
EventReplyRevokeSellToken = 211
// config
EventModifyConfig = 300
EventReplyModifyConfig = 301
// privacy
EventPublic2privacy = iota + 400
// monitor
EventAddMonitorMetric = iota + 500
Account management
Chain33-cli account [command]
Available Commands:
balance Get balance of a account address
create Create a new account with label
dump_key Dump private key for account address
import_key Import private key with label
list Get account list
set_label Set label for account address
cli account balance -a "query address" -e "actuator address"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli account balance -a 14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt
"addr": "14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt",
"execAccount": [
"execer": "coins",
"account": {
"balance": "100000000.0000",
"frozen": "0.0000"
cli account create -l "custom address label"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli account create -l test
"acc": {
"balance": "0.0000",
"frozen": "0.0000",
"addr": "1RackwdGHK5CzdP8oytmRvdb5EGQP3YUX"
"label": "test"
cli account dump_key -a "account address to export"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli account dump_key -a 1RackwdGHK5CzdP8oytmRvdb5EGQP3YUX
"replystr": "0x1a8ba8d001fe0a11b02622297ab599f7a1c1116e272ad759d602c7ba708c55d4"
cli account import_key -k "external private key" -l "address label"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli account import_key -k "0xa830cd3b4b4b236153c9b67bc161076f0e43eb002fec71e283c0ee0d1f644623" -l test
"acc": {
"balance": "0.0000",
"frozen": "0.0000",
"addr": "183BMp5Qcjx52e5yGERGs97DPCioChW7gj"
"label": "test"
cli account list
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli account list
"wallets": [
"acc": {
"balance": "0.0000",
"frozen": "0.0000",
"addr": "16mMKG3h8yGJxUji6pUQGQWDd29jHA6e2Q"
"label": "node award"
"acc": {
"balance": "0.0000",
"frozen": "0.0000",
"addr": "183BMp5Qcjx52e5yGERGs97DPCioChW7gj"
"label": "test"
cli account set_label -a "account address" -l "address table signature"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli account set_label -a 183BMp5Qcjx52e5yGERGs97DPCioChW7gj -l test1
"acc": {
"balance": "0.0000",
"frozen": "0.0000",
"addr": "183BMp5Qcjx52e5yGERGs97DPCioChW7gj"
"label": "test1"
Get block header or body info
Chain33-cli block [command]
Available Commands:
get Get blocks between [start, end]
hash Get hash of block at height
headers Get block headers between [start, end]
last_header View last block header
last_sequence View last block sequence
query_hashs Query block by hashs
sequences Get block sequences between [start, end]
view View block info by block hash
cli block get -s "initial query height" -e "end query height" -d "whether to display details"(optional)
Chain33-cli block get [flags]
-d, --detail string whether print block detail info (0/f/false for No; 1/t/true for Yes) (default "f")
-e, --end int block end height
-h, --help help for get
-s, --start int block start height
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli block get -s 5765 -e 5765
"items": [
"block": {
"version": 0,
"parenthash": "0x5153191bb51dacb01311f6ef15726fed82f84b756603fbf0d49a473562e45672",
"txhash": "0x22849a81d554b4f914d7d65c1080d8cc98e5d1de0fd2be4f0db34b439c6a0173",
"statehash": "0x0352bdf0ddb0d51d3e68aa75d402a880c4d877683c2a6393971ca80462af8efd",
"height": 5765,
"blocktime": 1541135879,
"txs": [
"execer": "norm",
"payload": {
"rawlog": "0x28010a7c0a1445565641784b61484d797a7175586e494856424f1264774f4a7457625a4846464b5a6e67766a756b6d665179784558526c4f56536b75626659446c736a6951434166695a44424e65506150657841644b42667a5559514548684f6349594b5a576f48447a68726156795a6f73786b44424844734c504458656765"
"rawpayload": "0x28010a7c0a1445565641784b61484d797a7175586e494856424f1264774f4a7457625a4846464b5a6e67766a756b6d665179784558526c4f56536b75626659446c736a6951434166695a44424e65506150657841644b42667a5559514548684f6349594b5a576f48447a68726156795a6f73786b44424844734c504458656765",
"signature": {
"ty": 1,
"pubkey": "0x03fe25b1a4261c4b98ad1b81307c7b20b776be6c503b95afb5d73ca9d42daecd7a",
"signature": "0x3044022078d751b8e1d0daeb0aa0eb264ce7b54e1320c7017953a397f38d8cb6c920b93902200267edab907706fa2cbb4bb8606e8677135ee7be5fb820c66ae0004056c2cca8"
"fee": "0.0100",
"expire": 0,
"nonce": 6935173039743788574,
"to": "1CnmrBJcpTiY6TphmuAiz7HoYSsGwgYgho",
"from": "1FbZaK5HJRwDaN2sQ5oRoUwi7fHJA1QJT1"
"receipts": null
cli block hash -t {block height}
Chain33-cli block hash [flags]
-t, --height int block height
-h, --help help for hash
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli block hash -t 10
"hash": "0x09055102ecb36033adde0fc9c0d523500c1d81693e7ad12181cfc2497b407da9"
cli block headers -s initial query height -e end query height
Chain33-cli block headers [flags]
-d, --detail string whether print header detail info (0/f/false for No; 1/t/true for Yes) (default "f")
-e, --end int block end height
-h, --help help for headers
-s, --start int block start height
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli block headers -s 5765 -e 5765
"items": [
"version": 0,
"parentHash": "0x5153191bb51dacb01311f6ef15726fed82f84b756603fbf0d49a473562e45672",
"txHash": "0x22849a81d554b4f914d7d65c1080d8cc98e5d1de0fd2be4f0db34b439c6a0173",
"stateHash": "0x0352bdf0ddb0d51d3e68aa75d402a880c4d877683c2a6393971ca80462af8efd",
"height": 5765,
"blockTime": 1541135879,
"txCount": 1,
"hash": "0xeab471cf4957253ac991bc56744ef7ae9a6b249236e97db2c5c4d998d3e787f2",
"difficulty": 0
※ The cli command has an optional parameter entry for -d, but it has no effect. Can be omitted.
3.2.4 block last_header: Get the Latest Block Header Information of the Current Synchronized Block in this Wallet
cli block last_header
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli block last_header
"version": 0,
"parentHash": "0xb6bedeb8b7bcd52348f162bed80bf26420df3e886a13ff9aaf7eb2b733cf392d",
"txHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"stateHash": "0x0352bdf0ddb0d51d3e68aa75d402a880c4d877683c2a6393971ca80462af8efd",
"height": 5772,
"blockTime": 1541136720,
"txCount": 0,
"hash": "0x08bcf1957beb722ca874d46f7f7e35b4dea032ac4c0bd519c2eee214e1661284",
"difficulty": 0
3.2.5 block last_sequence: Get the Latest Sequential Number that the Wallet is Currently Synchronized with
cli block last_sequence
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli block last_sequence
※ The configuration item whether the sequence is open in the configuration file, which should be off by default and returns 0.
cli block query_hashs "hash 1" "hash 2"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli block query_hashs -s 0x08bcf1957beb722ca874d46f7f7e35b4dea032ac4c0bd519c2eee214e1661284
"items": [
"block": {
"parentHash": "tr7euLe81SNI8WK+2AvyZCDfPohqE/+ar36ytzPPOS0=",
"stateHash": "A1K98N2w1R0+aKp11AKogMTYd2g8KmOTlxyoBGKvjv0=",
"height": 5772,
"blockTime": 1541136720
"prevStatusHash": "A1K98N2w1R0+aKp11AKogMTYd2g8KmOTlxyoBGKvjv0="
3.2.7 block sequences: Query the Corresponding Block Hash According to the Sequential Number (only used for parallel chain correlation)
cli block sequences -s "initial query height" -e "end query height"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli block sequences -s 0 -e 1
"blkseqInfos": [
"hash": "0x67c58d6ba9175313f0468ae4e0ddec946549af7748037c2fdd5d54298afd20b6",
"type": 1
3.2.8 block view: Query the Block Header Information for the Specified Block Based on the Block Hash
cli block view -s block hash
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli block view -s 0xeab471cf4957253ac991bc56744ef7ae9a6b249236e97db2c5c4d998d3e787f2
"head": {
"version": 0,
"parentHash": "0x5153191bb51dacb01311f6ef15726fed82f84b756603fbf0d49a473562e45672",
"txHash": "0x22849a81d554b4f914d7d65c1080d8cc98e5d1de0fd2be4f0db34b439c6a0173",
"stateHash": "0x0352bdf0ddb0d51d3e68aa75d402a880c4d877683c2a6393971ca80462af8efd",
"height": 5765,
"blockTime": 1541135879,
"txCount": 1,
"hash": "0xeab471cf4957253ac991bc56744ef7ae9a6b249236e97db2c5c4d998d3e787f2",
"difficulty": 0
"txCount": 1,
"txHashes": [
Construct BTY transactions
Chain33-cli bty [command]
Available Commands:
priv2priv Create a privacy to privacy transaction
priv2pub Create a privacy to public transaction
pub2priv Create a public to privacy transaction
send_exec Create a send to executor transaction
transfer Create a transfer transaction
txgroup Create a transaction group
withdraw Create a withdraw transaction
cli bty send_exec -a "sending limit" -e "destination actuator" -n "transaction remarks"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli bty send_exec -a 1000 -e coins
※ Unsigned transaction information is returned. See sign and send in wallet for further information
cli bty transfer -a "transfer limit" -t "receiver account address" -n "transaction remarks"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli bty transfer -a 5210314 -t "1CRkrCJHHqgQFm59AiHe35T5vJ1o5QpPW3"
※ Unsigned transaction information is returned. See sign and send in wallet for further information
cli bty withdraw -a "transaction limit" -e "name of the executor that sends the transaction" -n "transaction remarks"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli bty withdraw -a 1000 -e coins
Executor operation
Chain33-cli exec [command]
Available Commands:
addr Get address of executor
userdata Write data to user defined executor
cli exec addr -e "actuator name"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli exec addr -e coins
Mempool management
Chain33-cli mempool [command]
Available Commands:
last_txs Get latest mempool txs
list List mempool txs
cli mempool last_txs
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli mempool last_txs
"txs": [
"execer": "norm",
"payload": {
"nput": {
"key": "vrgMFUSFeEWNdJBUEWTJ",
"value": "0x6c5a706d44566b756251766e69757547494375645341416c564b5967426c504c797158414169456e7577754d6d4b477363726c6369714b43707978414865426579445963484b774274664f65706249464970635351524c744a42544d66554351745a7965"
"ty": 1
"rawpayload": "0x28010a7c0a147672674d465553466545574e644a42554557544a12646c5a706d44566b756251766e69757547494375645341416c564b5967426c504c797158414169456e7577754d6d4b477363726c6369714b43707978414865426579445963484b774274664f65706249464970635351524c744a42544d66554351745a7965",
"signature": {
"ty": 1,
"pubkey": "0x027bdcc95bc051df0e047cd76f8488b40fd513e429c1b284ddd990f531e4cf42af",
"signature": "0x304402202c671aac350f56bd07a3563e3c3bebfbc7ffae2d10ce7c7ea4e14953c7f6770b02203b4fe2185481ba17d089d309150e01e68682c0a5b3d46d3532ad93c1304961ab"
"fee": "0.0100",
"expire": 0,
"nonce": 8872632247761828259,
"to": "1CnmrBJcpTiY6TphmuAiz7HoYSsGwgYgho",
"from": "17DjBft6j9VBxJddRxe9eSCiN1Y2NiDe7L"
cli mempool list
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli mempool list
"txs": [
"execer": "norm",
"payload": {
"nput": {
"key": "vrgMFUSFeEWNdJBUEWTJ",
"value": "0x6c5a706d44566b756251766e69757547494375645341416c564b5967426c504c797158414169456e7577754d6d4b477363726c6369714b43707978414865426579445963484b774274664f65706249464970635351524c744a42544d66554351745a7965"
"ty": 1
"rawpayload": "0x28010a7c0a147672674d465553466545574e644a42554557544a12646c5a706d44566b756251766e69757547494375645341416c564b5967426c504c797158414169456e7577754d6d4b477363726c6369714b43707978414865426579445963484b774274664f65706249464970635351524c744a42544d66554351745a7965",
"signature": {
"ty": 1,
"pubkey": "0x027bdcc95bc051df0e047cd76f8488b40fd513e429c1b284ddd990f531e4cf42af",
"signature": "0x304402202c671aac350f56bd07a3563e3c3bebfbc7ffae2d10ce7c7ea4e14953c7f6770b02203b4fe2185481ba17d089d309150e01e68682c0a5b3d46d3532ad93c1304961ab"
"fee": "0.0100",
"expire": 0,
"nonce": 8872632247761828259,
"to": "1CnmrBJcpTiY6TphmuAiz7HoYSsGwgYgho",
"from": "17DjBft6j9VBxJddRxe9eSCiN1Y2NiDe7L"
Net operation
Chain33-cli net [command]
Available Commands:
fault Get system fault
info Get net information
is_clock_sync Get ntp clock synchronization status
is_sync Get blockchain synchronization status
peer_info Get remote peer nodes
time Get time status
cli net fault
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli net fault
cli net info
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli net info
"externalAddr": "",
"localAddr": "",
"service": true,
"outbounds": 0,
"inbounds": 0
cli net is_clock_syn
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli net is_clock_sync
cli net is_sync
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli net is_sync
cli net peer_info
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli net peer_info
"peers": [
"addr": "",
"port": 13802,
"name": "02e466e00b8db4e67de85d7c667dabeda92faea9fd06f72c29b2c851eb106fefa4",
"mempoolSize": 0,
"self": true,
"header": {
"version": 0,
"parentHash": "0x5be67d5026e2bc4aede0feda9ce7cea214b7dc89eff481f1f2c4d33e6a7a3c0a",
"txHash": "0x0a382a097d9b7e2d0971832e1b7d49f41059cd6340a5c241f7a4c91bbeaf896f",
"stateHash": "0x98f10651192e2df48a0b48200c9024896e1351a342403d27227ee0f37025f15b",
"height": 5,
"blockTime": 1541393636,
"txCount": 100,
"hash": "0xab67feeb56baf68eef300ef1f01a2fbe026623e3846729277d74de008e149e58",
"difficulty": 0
cli net time
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli net time
"ntpTime": "2018-11-05 14:20:08",
"localTime": "2018-11-05 12:55:08",
"diff": -5100
Seed management
Chain33-cli seed [command]
Available Commands:
generate Generate seed
get Get seed by password
save Save seed and encrypt with passwd
cli seed generate -l "seed language type 0:'English' 1:' simplified Chinese '"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli seed generate -l 0
"seed": "melt inflict dose foam tuna whip fruit boil scrub rude puzzle length ask cruise embody"
cli seed get -p "get the password of seed"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli seed get -p fzm
"seed": "melt inflict dose foam tuna whip fruit boil scrub rude puzzle length ask cruise embody"
cli seed save -s "space-delimited seed(15 characters or words)" -p "password used in seed encryption"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli seed save -s "melt inflict dose foam tuna whip fruit boil scrub rude puzzle length ask cruise embody" -p fzm
"isOK": true,
"msg": ""
cli send bty transfer -a "transaction limit" -n "note" -t "receiver address" -k "private key/sender address"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli send bty transfer -a "1000" -n "transfer tx" -t "1LBKc8mA7s57sVoij6AhL7CG6pS3TFkqBu" -k "14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt"
Coin statistic
Chain33-cli stat [command]
Available Commands:
miner Get miner statistic
ticket_info Get ticket info by ticket_id
ticket_info_list Get ticket info list by ticket_id
ticket_stat Get ticket statistics by addr
total_coins Get total amount of a token (default: bty of current height)
Transaction management
Chain33-cli tx [command]
Available Commands:
addr_overview View transactions of address
decode Decode a hex format transaction
get_hex Get transaction hex by hash
query Query transaction by hash
query_addr Query transaction by account address
query_hash Get transactions by hashes
cli tx addr_overview -a "account address"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli tx addr_overview -a 1EcE1nzwRzhrUUVy9k2xDMH5kw9bymcJPc
"receiver": "1000.0000",
"balance": "100.9960",
"txCount": 5
cli tx decode -d "transaction information needs to be decoded"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli tx decode -d 0a05636f696e7312121803220e1080d0dbc3f4022205636f696e7320a08d0630eaceade1e389c1a5293a22314761485970576d71414a7371527772706f4e6342385676674b7453776a63487174
"execer": "coins",
"payload": {
"withdraw": {
"cointoken": "",
"amount": "100000000000",
"note": "",
"execName": "coins",
"to": ""
"ty": 3
"rawpayload": "0x1803220e1080d0dbc3f4022205636f696e73",
"signature": {
"ty": 0,
"pubkey": "",
"signature": ""
"fee": "0.0010",
"expire": 0,
"nonce": 2975476712871782250,
"to": "1GaHYpWmqAJsqRwrpoNcB8VvgKtSwjcHqt",
"from": "1HT7xU2Ngenf7D4yocz2SAcnNLW7rK8d4E"
cli tx get_hex -s "transaction hash"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli tx get_hex -s 0x57fbde79b74a0c3286ca5947c05a5b95efd14f1411669bedabae1c68390237a3
cli tx query -s "transaction hash"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli tx query -s 0x57fbde79b74a0c3286ca5947c05a5b95efd14f1411669bedabae1c68390237a3
"tx": {
"execer": "coins",
"payload": {
"transfer": {
"cointoken": "",
"amount": "700000000000",
"note": "",
"to": "1EcE1nzwRzhrUUVy9k2xDMH5kw9bymcJPc"
"ty": 1
"rawpayload": "0x18010a2b1080b081daaf14222231456345316e7a77527a687255555679396b3278444d48356b773962796d634a5063",
"signature": {
"ty": 1,
"pubkey": "0x02504fa1c28caaf1d5a20fefb87c50a49724ff401043420cb3ba271997eb5a4387",
"signature": "0x304502210081d32f66581903960f5fedc79ad742f43a4198209b766e1d5e6668288c3a9bc9022062bb2aa67c5db22aff68cc179fd7af7aad92b7f8cfd634857ff9b77c9c97d863"
"fee": "0.0010",
"expire": 1541567367,
"nonce": 8040402671450728475,
"to": "1EcE1nzwRzhrUUVy9k2xDMH5kw9bymcJPc",
"from": "14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt"
"receipt": {
"ty": 2,
"tyName": "ExecOk",
"logs": [
"ty": 2,
"tyName": "LogFee",
"log": {
"prev": {
"currency": 0,
"balance": "9999699999700000",
"frozen": "0",
"addr": "14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt"
"current": {
"currency": 0,
"balance": "9999699999600000",
"frozen": "0",
"addr": "14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt"
"rawLog": "0x0a2d10a0e8deb2c9d5e111222231344b454b6259744b4b516d34774d7468534b394a344c61346e41696964476f7a74122d1080dbd8b2c9d5e111222231344b454b6259744b4b516d34774d7468534b394a344c61346e41696964476f7a74"
"ty": 3,
"tyName": "LogTransfer",
"log": {
"prev": {
"currency": 0,
"balance": "9999699999600000",
"frozen": "0",
"addr": "14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt"
"current": {
"currency": 0,
"balance": "9998999999600000",
"frozen": "0",
"addr": "14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt"
"rawLog": "0x0a2d1080dbd8b2c9d5e111222231344b454b6259744b4b516d34774d7468534b394a344c61346e41696964476f7a74122d1080abd7d899c1e111222231344b454b6259744b4b516d34774d7468534b394a344c61346e41696964476f7a74"
"ty": 3,
"tyName": "LogTransfer",
"log": {
"prev": {
"currency": 0,
"balance": "300000000000",
"frozen": "0",
"addr": "1EcE1nzwRzhrUUVy9k2xDMH5kw9bymcJPc"
"current": {
"currency": 0,
"balance": "1000000000000",
"frozen": "0",
"addr": "1EcE1nzwRzhrUUVy9k2xDMH5kw9bymcJPc"
"rawLog": "0x0a2b1080f092cbdd08222231456345316e7a77527a687255555679396b3278444d48356b773962796d634a5063122b1080a094a58d1d222231456345316e7a77527a687255555679396b3278444d48356b773962796d634a5063"
"height": 38,
"index": 0,
"blocktime": 1541567247,
"amount": "7000.0000",
"fromaddr": "14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt",
"actionname": "transfer"
cli tx query_addr -a "account address" -t "block height" -c "maximum number of returns" -d "query method" -f "transaction method"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli tx query_addr -a 1EcE1nzwRzhrUUVy9k2xDMH5kw9bymcJPc -t 36 -c 1 -d 0 -f 0
"txInfos": [
"hash": "0x79811df8d4ea2fabc1a14e57e48014d71a95dcca34b336e44318920445886862",
"height": 35,
"index": 0,
"assets": [
"exec": "coins",
"symbol": "BTY"
cli tx query_hash -s "transaction hash" "transaction hash" "transaction hash" ...
Version info
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli version
Wallet management
Chain33-cli wallet [command]
Available Commands:
auto_mine Set auto mine on/off
list_txs List transactions in wallet
lock Lock wallet
merge Merge accounts' balance into address
nobalance Create nobalance transaction
send Send a transaction
set_fee Set transaction fee
set_pwd Set password
sign Sign transaction
status Get wallet status
unlock Unlock wallet
cli wallet auto_mine -f "whether to start automatic mining (0:off 1:on)"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli wallet auto_mine -f 0
"isOK": true,
"msg": ""
cli wallet list_txs -c "transaction amount" -d "query method" -f "initial trading address of the query"
cli wallet lock
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli wallet lock
"isOK": true,
"msg": ""
cli wallet merge -t "target account address in the wallet"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli wallet merge -t 1669FvjdPUAqaNLz8yBpXGnfDcqFL7zozG
"hashes": [
3.12.5 nobalance: Construct Transaction Group Without Commission for Transactions Do Not Involve Transfer Amounts
cli wallet nobalance -d "unsigned transaction data" -k "private key signature"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli wallet nobalance -d "0a14757365722e702e67756f64756e2e7469636b6574" -k 0x2660c263b11dbdc1c78e8183230ceec1d0204b00f9cfc220c68b9df3aedc116c
cli wallet send -d "signed transaction information" -t "token name sent (default: BTY)"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli wallet send -d 0a13757365722e702e67756f64756e2e746f6b656e1236380422320a03434e59100a1a05313233313222223136363946766a6450554171614e4c7a3879427058476e66446371464c377a6f7a471a6d0801122102504fa1c28caaf1d5a20fefb87c50a49724ff401043420cb3ba271997eb5a43871a463044022067f735e00946957fde90a7a3ba4418c3e3771977f13b2dc510f6172b0cfb97d902202d2a11e7a69aeee8adf42607d1e32e42c6a43b10ca0702f704cd54e151c045fa20a08d0628cae2ffde053085caa48bc7c594be113a223144527535423766505961776179414b524648315857536e354b66415654386d6848
※ Return the transaction hash recorded in the block
cli wallet set_fee -a "transaction fee"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli wallet set_fee -a 100
"isOK": true,
"msg": ""
cli wallet set_pwd -o "old password" -n "new password"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli wallet set_pwd -o fzm -n fzm123
"isOK": true,
"msg": ""
cli wallet sign -d "unsigned transaction information" -a signature address/-k signature private key -e timeout (default: 120 seconds)
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli wallet sign -d 0a13757365722e702e67756f64756e2e746f6b656e1236380422320a03434e59100a1a05313233313222223136363946766a6450554171614e4c7a3879427058476e66446371464c377a6f7a4720a08d063085caa48bc7c594be113a223144527535423766505961776179414b524648315857536e354b66415654386d6848 -a 14KEKbYtKKQm4wMthSK9J4La4nAiidGozt
※ Return encrypted transaction information
cli wallet status
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli wallet status
"isWalletLock": false,
"isAutoMining": false,
"isHasSeed": true,
"isTicketLock": true
cli wallet unlock -p "password" -t "duration" -s "unlock range (default to unlock wallet)"
[lyn@localhost build]$ ./Chain33-cli wallet unlock -p fzm -t 0
"isOK": true,
"msg": ""
hello world