A game made by these fine men1234 for the Brackeys Game Jam 2020.2.
In Steve is Tired, you help Steve from accounting escape the office and his boss, who demands Steve work another shift. Along the way, you find a can of W◂◂RP Energy Drink, which lets Steve go back to a recent point in time. Move boxes, flip switches, and rewind your way to the exit!
This game consists of 10 levels.
This game was made with WebGL in mind, in order to submit it on itch.io. You can play it here. With that in mind, if you want to install the game locally, you will find releases on the releases page.
Hello. We're the Fourth Men.
- 3174N: progamming, ideas, website and soundtrack
- SFR: ideas, level design, playtesting, website, SFX and GitHub repo management
- g33king: art, level design, ideas and programming
- TE: art and bothering to use GitHub
- Munro font pack by Ten by Twenty
- SIL Open Font licensed, pay-what-you-want font pack for commercial and non-commercial use!
- Modified CC-29 Colour palette by Alpha6 on Lospec
This game is licensed under MIT, which means: go nuts.
Feel free to fork, mod, copy and change all of our stuff (not licensed from a third party), as long as you give us credit and acknowedge the license. PRs are welcome, too :D