This changelog starts with the v3.0 the third rewrite of the parser module and the entire web app
- Third Party Tools Page
- WSMatches Page
- Install PWA modal
- Support localization for About page
- Update favicons
- Update PWA manifest (if you are using PWA mode, it is recommended to reinstall the app)
- Bugs on the drones page
- Some styles for mobile
- Many minor format bugs
- Ship builder tool
- Support for language locales that are not in the game (the first supported locales: Turkish and Ukrainian)
- You can now support development through donation
- Option to synchronize calculator modules with HSCompendium
- Migrate to new build tool (Vite) which reduces deployment time
- Other multiple internal component refactorings
- Integration with HSCompendium
- Recommendations to contributing including translation platform
- Crystal Converter
- Completed full update to major game update Nebula
- Styling improvements for different languages
- Other graphic tweaks
- Settings in the calculator, at the moment all possible manipulations in the input data are implemented
- Icons for some stats
- Scripts for ease of maintenance regulations configs
- Entire web application rewritten in TypeScript & Composition API
- Improved design of some components
- In General, fixed what needs to be fixed
- Start logging changes
- Experiment: community section (join the discord server for details)
- Support for new file extensions
- New project structure, new version of the parser, updates to the Vue framework to v3