title | description | created | updated |
R |
R cheatsheet contains useful code syntax with examples which is handy while coding. |
2020-05-11 |
2022-10-09 |
R is very popular for data analytics which was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman in 1993. Many big companies like Google, Facebook, Airbnb etc uses this language for data analytics.
print("Hello, World!")
- print -- It is used to display the data to the console.
- cat -- you can also use cat to display data to console.
- # -- is used to comment a line in R and it does not support multi-line comments.
There are six data types of the atomic vectors:
Data type | Description | Usage |
Numeric | To represent decimal values | x=1.84 |
Integer | To represent integer values, L tells to store the value as integer | x=10L |
Complex | To represent complex values | x = 10+2i |
Logical | To represent boolean values, true or false | x = TRUE |
Character | To represent string values | x <- "One compiler" |
raw | Holds raw bytes |
var-name = value
var-name <- value
value -> var-name
var_logical <- FALSE # Logical variable
var_numeric -> 797 # Numeric variable
var_integer = 53L # integer variable
var_complex <- 5+2i # complex variable
var_char<- "One Compiler" # character variable
var_raw <- charToRaw("Hello World") # raw variable
Operator type | Description |
Arithmetic Operator | + , - , * , / , %%, ^ |
Relational Operator | < , > , <= , >=, != , == |
Logical Operator | &, |, && , ||, ! |
Assignment Operator | = , ->, ->>, <-, <<- |
Misc Operators | :, %in%, %*% |
or "
are used to enclose strings in R.
str1 <- "Hello World!"
str2 <- 'Happy learning!!'
String Function | Description |
paste() | Strings are concatenated using paste() function |
format() | This function is used to format Numbers and strings to a specific style. |
nchar() | This function is used to count the number of characters including spaces in the given string. |
substring() | This function is used to extract part of a string |
toupper() | Converts given string to uppercase |
tolower() | Converts given string to lowercase |
Vectors are considered as basic R objects.
x <- "s" #Character type atomic vector
x <- 53.2 #double type atomic vector
x <- 79L #integer type atomic vector
x <- TRUE # Logical type atomic vector
x <- 2+5i# complex type atomic vector
x <- charToRaw('OneCompiler') # raw type atomic vector.
x <- 1:10 # Creating a sequence from 1 to 10 using colon
x <- 5.5:10.5 # Creating a sequence of decimal values using colon
x <- seq(1, 5, by = 0.5) # creating sequence using seq()
x <- c('hello', 0, 3, TRUE) # mixed type vector
List is a R-Object which can contain elements of different types. list() function is used to create a list.
emp_list <- list( c("Foo","Bar", "Alex", "Mark"), c(1,2,3,4)) # creating a list
names(emp_list) <- c("Names","Id") # assigning name to the list items
function is used to create an array in R.
arrayName <- array(data, dim= (rowSize, columnSize, matrices, dimNames))
- data : data is an input vector
- rowSize : defines no of row elements array can store
- columnSize : defines no of column elements array can store
- dimNames : specifies row and column names
- matrices : array can consists of multi-dimensional matrices
x <- c(1,2,3)
y <- c(4,5,6,7,8,9)
arr <- array(c(x,y),dim=c(3,3,3)) # 3 rows, 3 columns and 3 matrices
print(arr[,,3]) # prints 3rd matrix
print(arr[2,,2]) # prints 2nd row in second matrix
print(arr[3,3,1]) # prints 3rd row 3rd column element of 1st matrix
Matrix is a two-dimensional rectangular data set. Elements of a matric will be of same atomic type.
matrix(data, rowSize, columnSize, byrow, dimnames)
- data : data is an input vector
- rowSize : defines no of row elements array can store
- columnSize : defines no of column elements array can store
- byrow : If it is set to TRUE then the input vector elements are arranged by row.
- dimNames : specifies row and column names
Factor is a data object which is used to take a limited number of different values and categorize them into multiple levels.
factorData<- factor(inputVector) #`factor()` function is used to convert a vector into factor.
is.factor(factorData) # `is.factor()` is used to check whether the input given is a factor or not.
Data Frame is a data object which has like a 2D array like structure where column contains value of a variable and row contains one set of values from each column.
- Column names should be non-empty.
- Row names should be unique.
- Data in a data frame can contain different types of data like a factor, numeric, or character type.
- Every column will have same number of data items.
function is used to create a data frame.
student.data <- data.frame(
studentID = c (101:104),
firstName = c("Foo","Bar","Alex","Mark"),
marksPercentage = c(97.2,79.2,53.9,87.3),
joiningDate = as.Date(c("2010-06-01", "2010-06-10", "2010-06-04", "2010-06-02")),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# code
# code
} else {
# code
switch(expression, case-1, case-2, case-3....)
for (value in vector) {
# code
repeat {
if(condition) {
Function is a sub-routine which contains set of statements.
function_name <- function(arg1, arg2, ...) { # defining a function
function_name(arguments) # calling a function
sum <- function(x, y) {
cat("Sum:", x+y)
sum(10, 20)
is.matrix(A) # Returns a boolean value
A <- matrix(c(2,3,-2,1,2,2),3,2)
B <- matrix(c(1,4,-2,1,2,1),3,2)
C <- A + B # Returns a sum matrix
A <- matrix(c(2,3,-2,1,2,2),3,2)
B <- matrix(c(1,4,-2,1,2,1),3,2)
D <- A - B # Returns a difference matrix
A <- matrix(c(2,3,-2,1,2,2),3,2)
B <- matrix(c(1,4,-2,1,2,1),2,3)
C <- A %*% B # Returns a multiplied matrix
c <- 3
c*A # Returns a matrix multiplied with a constant
AT <- t(A) # Returns a transosed matrix
AI <- solve(A) # Returns a inverse of a matrix
v <- det(A) # Returns a determinant value of matrix
dim(A) # Returns the dimension of matrix
nrow(A) # Return number of rows of matrix 'A'
ncol(A) # Returns number of columns of matrix 'A'
A <- matrix(c(2,3,-2,1,2,2),3,2)
B <- matrix(c(1,3,2,1,4,2),3,2)
C <- cbind(A,B) # Returns concatenated matrix
A <- matrix(c(2,3,-2,1,2,2),3,2)
B <- matrix(c(1,3,2,1,4,2),3,2)
C <- rbind(A,B) # Returns concatenated matrix
Apply functions are a family of functions in base R which allow you to repetitively perform an action on multiple chunks of data.
- X : Array of matrix
- MARGIN : Where to apply (row = 1, col = 2)
- FUNCTION : Function you want to use
lapply(X, FUNCTION, …)
- X : Vector or a list
- FUNCTION : Function to use
sapply(X, FUNCTION, …, simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
- X : Vector or a list
- FUNCTION : Function to use
- Extra arguments have default values
- X : Vector or a list
- FUNCTION : Function to use
- Extra arguments have default values