title | description | created | updated | color |
Homebrew |
Homebrew is a simple package management software for macOS & Linux. This Cheatsheat shows how to search, install, upgrade & uninstall softwares using Homebrew |
2019-06-16 |
2019-06-16 |
Install command-line tools if not already installed by running the following command
xcode-select --install
Note: If you have installed Xcode already then your mac already have command-line tools.
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
You can install brew available softwares by running the following command
brew install <software_name>
brew install mongodb
If you want to install a specific version of a sooftware, you can mention the available version name using @<version>
brew install mongodb@3.6
You can uninstall a installed software by running the following command
brew remove <software_name>
brew remove mongodb
You can search available softwares by running following command
brew search <software_name>
$ brew search mongodb
==> Formulae
mongodb ✔ mongodb@3.2 mongodb@3.6
mongodb@3.0 mongodb@3.4 percona-server-mongodb
==> Casks
mongodb mongodb-compass-community mongodbpreferencepane
mongodb-compass mongodb-compass-isolated-edition nosqlbooster-for-mongodb
mongodb-compass-beta mongodb-compass-readonly orelord-mongodb
Command | Use | Example |
brew doctor |
self-diagnose shows if the installatin is correct or not | NA |
brew upgrade <software_name> |
To Update a installed sooftware | brew upgrade mongodb |
In case you decided to completely uninstall Homebrew from your Mac, you can run the followiong command to uninstall
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/uninstall)"