A code to compute the radial distribution function. This branch is initally planned for the undergraduate student's project on machine learning materials properties.
One could load the crystal from
- CIF file
To perform RDF calculation, one needs to provide the following info
- crystal structure
- R_max (default 12 \AA)
- step length (defult: 0.08 \AA)
- sigma width for Gaussian smearing (default: 0.10 \AA)
This code need the installation of Python3, scipy, numpy, pymatgen. The easiest way is to install them via anaconda or miniconda.
$ wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
$ bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
$ conda install -c matsci pymatgen
$ pythonw RDF.py -h
Usage: RDF.py [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
crystal from file, cif or poscar, REQUIRED
-r Rmax, --Rmax=Rmax Rmax, default: 12 A
-s SIGMA, --sigma=SIGMA
sigma width for Gaussian smearing, default: 0.20
-d DELTA, --delta=DELTA
step length, default: 0.08
-o MSTYLE, --output=MSTYLE
matplotlib style, fivethirtyeight, bmh, grayscale,
dark_background, ggplot
-p PLOT, --plot=PLOT generate the plot to file, default: None
one just needs to run the followings,
$ python RDF.py -c POSCAR-Ar