You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 109
Scripts are organized by triggers, which describes how to execute functions.
specific: [trigger,subject]
category: [trigger,_category]
global: [trigger,_]
op: Operable within 1 tile, requires line of walk, restricted to cardinal directions.
ap: Approachable within 10 tiles, requires line of sight.
Name | Description | Subject | Allows Parameters | Allows Returns | Allow Global | Allow Category |
proc | Routine to call and return from | Name | Yes | Yes | No | No |
label | Routine to jump to | Name | Yes | No | No | No |
debugproc | Player cheat handler | Name | Yes | No | No | No |
apnpc1-5 | Using npc option 1-5 from AP distance | NPC type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
apnpcu | Using obj on npc from AP distance | NPC type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
apnpct | Casting spell (targeting) on npc from AP distance | Component | No | No | No | No |
opnpc1-5 | Using npc option 1-5 from OP distance | NPC type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
opnpcu | Using obj on npc from OP distance | NPC type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
opnpct | Casting spell (targeting) on npc from OP distance | Component | No | No | No | No |
ai_apnpc1-5 | NPC using npc option 1-5 from AP distance | NPC type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
ai_opnpc1-5 | NPC using npc option 1-5 from OP distance | NPC type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
apobj1-5 | Using obj option 1-5 from AP distance | Object type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
apobju | Using obj on obj from AP distance | Object type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
apobjt | Casting spell (targeting) on obj from AP distance | Component | No | No | No | No |
opobj1-5 | Using obj option 1-5 from OP distance | Object type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
opobju | Using obj on obj from OP distance | Object type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
opobjt | Casting spell (targeting) on obj from OP distance | Component | No | No | No | No |
ai_apobj1-5 | NPC using obj option 1-5 from AP distance | Object type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
ai_opobj1-5 | NPC using obj option 1-5 from OP distance | Object type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
aploc1-5 | Using loc option 1-5 from AP distance | Location type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
aplocu | Using obj on loc from AP distance | Location type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
aploct | Casting spell (targeting) on loc from AP distance | Component | No | No | No | No |
oploc1-5 | Using loc option 1-5 from OP distance | Location type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
oplocu | Using obj on loc from OP distance | Location type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
oploct | Casting spell (targeting) on loc from OP distance | Component | No | No | No | No |
ai_aploc1-5 | NPC using loc option 1-5 from AP distance | Location type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
ai_oploc1-5 | NPC using loc option 1-5 from OP distance | Location type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
applayer1-5 | Using player option 1-5 from AP distance | Player type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
applayeru | Using obj on player from AP distance | Player type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
applayert | Casting spell (targeting) on player from AP distance | Component | No | No | No | No |
opplayer1-5 | Using player option 1-5 from OP distance | Player type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
opplayeru | Using obj on player from OP distance | Player type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
opplayert | Casting spell (targeting) on player from OP distance | Component | No | No | No | No |
ai_applayer1-5 | NPC using player option 1-5 from AP distance | Player type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
ai_opplayer1-5 | NPC using player option 1-5 from OP distance | Player type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
weakqueue | Weakqueued script | Name | Yes | No | No | No |
queue | Queued script | Name | Yes | No | No | No |
ai_queue1-20 | NPC queued script | NPC type | int only | No | Yes | Yes |
softtimer | Soft timer | Name | Yes | No | No | No |
timer | Timer | Name | Yes | No | No | No |
ai_timer | NPC timer | NPC type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
opheld1-5 | Using obj option 1-5 from inv | Object type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
opheldu | Using obj on obj from inv | Object type | No | No | Yes | Yes |
opheldt | Casting spell (targeting) on obj from player inv | Component | No | No | No | No |
if_button | Button pressed | Component | No | No | No | No |
inv_button1-5 | Using inv option 1-5 from inv | Component | No | No | Yes | Yes |
inv_buttond | Dragging inv item to new slot | Component | No | No | Yes | Yes |
if_close | On Close | Component | No | No | No | No |
login | On Login | None | No | No | Yes | No |
logout (add) | On Loguot Request | None | No | No | Yes | No |
mapenter (remove) | On Map Region Enter | None | No | No | Yes | No |
move (add) | On Move | None | No | No | Yes | No |
movecheck (add) | On Pre Move | Name | No | No | No | No |
ai_movecheck (add) | On Pre Move for NPCs | Name | No | No | No | No |
levelup | On Stat Change | Stat | No | No | Yes | No |
A basic trigger type, this is used for defining functions that contain shared logic you want to reuse.
You can call these triggers using ~name or gosub(name). It will execute and return to the same place it was called from.
Another basic trigger type, this is used for functions that take over the program's control flow.
You jump to these triggers using @name or jump(name). The program continues executing from the label and does not return to the original calling location.
Name | Description | Example |
int | ||
boolean | ||
string | ||
loc | ||
npc | ||
obj | ||
coord | ||
namedobj | ||
player_uid | ||
npc_uid | ||
stat | ||
component | ||
interface | ||
inv | ||
enum | ||
struct | ||
param | ||
dbtable | ||
dbrow | ||
dbcolumn | ||
varp | ||
mesanim |
: Define a local variable of type
! - not equal
= - equal
< - less than
> - greater than
if ($var = 1) {
// do something
// equivalent to $var = -1 on ints
if ($var = null) {
// do something
def_int $i = 0;
// incrementing:
$i = calc($i + 1);
// multiplying:
$i = calc($i * 2);
// fractionally scaling (floors):
$i = scale(3, 2, $i); // 1.5x
$i = scale(60, 100, $i); // 0.6x
is used to escape a variable name in a string. It only accepts strings, so other types must be converted to strings to use it.
def_string $var1 = "1":
def_int $var2 = 2;
def_string $str = "<var1> <tostring(var2)>";
- TODO: Explain what "soft" means
- TODO: Explain commands prefixed with p_, and why this exists
- TODO: Explain commands prefixed with obj_, npc_, loc_, and the
verion of commands
These can be found in their signature format as data/src/scripts/engine.rs2
Name | Description | Example |
map_clock | # of ticks the world has been up | if (%skill_clock < map_clock) {} |
map_members | Returns if the player is inside a members of free to play world | if (map_members = true) {} |
map_playercount | Returns the current number of players between two coords | def_int $count = map_playercount($coord1, $coord2); |
huntall | ||
huntnext | ||
inarea | ||
inzone | ||
lineofwalk | Returns if the player has line of walk to a coord | def_boolean $west = lineofwalk(coord, movecoord(coord, -1, 0, 0)); |
objectverify | Returns if the input obj and last verify obj are the same or not | if (objectverify($item, last_verifyobj) = false) {} |
stat_random | Interpolates a stat success chance. Used for gathering skills | if (stat_random(stat(cooking), $low, $high) = true) {} |
spotanim_map | Plays a spot anim directly on the world. Imps use this when they teleport | spotanim_map(spotanim_111, coord, 100, 0); |
distance | Returns the number of tiles distance between two coords | def_int $distance = distance($coord1, $coord2); |
movecoord | Move an input coord with input offsets | def_coord $coord = movecoord(coord, -1, 0, 0); |
seqlength | Returns the length of a sequence in the number of client ticks | def_int $client_ticks = seqlength(emote_dance); |
split_init | ||
split_pagecount | ||
split_get | ||
split_linecount | ||
split_getanim | ||
struct_param | ||
coordx | Extract the X component from a coord | def_int $x = coordx($coord); |
coordy | Extract the level component from a coord | def_int $level = coordy($coord); |
coordz | Extract the Z component from a coord | def_int $z = coordz($coord); |
playercount | Returns the current number of players in the world | def_int $count = playercount; |
map_blocked | Returns if a specified coord is walk blocked | def_boolean $blocked = map_blocked; |
Name | Description | Example |
finduid | ||
p_finduid | ||
strongqueue | Enqueue a script into the queue with type=strong | strongqueue(finish_bury, 1); |
weakqueue | Enqueue a script into the weak queue | weakqueue(start_smelting_ore, calc(%skill_clock - map_clock - 1), $struct); |
anim | Play an animation on the active player | anim(human_cooking, 0); |
buffer_full | Mostly used for when text is being transmitted to an if so that the text can be broken up a bit rather than being transmitted all at once. | if (buffer_full = true) p_delay(0); |
buildappearance | Build the player appearance from a specified inv | buildappearance(worn); |
cam_lookat | ||
cam_moveto | ||
cam_reset | ||
coord | Get the active player's coord | def_coord $coord = coord; |
displayname | ||
facesquare | Make the player face a specified coord | facesquare(npc_coord); |
healenergy | ||
if_close | if_close; | |
last_com | ||
last_int | Returns the numerical input entered by a p_countdialog; command | def_int $input = last_int; |
last_item | ||
last_slot | ||
last_useitem | ||
last_useslot | ||
last_verifyobj | ||
mes | Say a chat box message | mes("Welcome to RuneScape."); |
name | Get the active player's name | |
p_aprange | Set the range for approachable ops to become triggered | p_aprange(2); |
p_arrivedelay | Make the player wait until they reach the correct distance before interacting | |
p_countdialog | Opens the input X chat dialogue to enter a numerical input | p_countdialog; |
p_delay | Set a delay on the active player, starting at World.currentTick + n . "0" will produce a 1-tick delay |
p_delay(0); |
p_opheld | Set the current interaction to opheld(x) for the next tick | |
p_oploc | Set the current interaction to oploc(x) for the next tick | |
p_opnpc | Set the current interaction to opnpc(x) for the next tick | |
p_pausebutton | ||
p_stopaction | ||
p_telejump | Teleport and jump the player to a specified jagex coord. Does not use walk animations | p_telejump(1_41_51_41_57); |
p_walk | Walk the player somewhere with full pathfinding support | p_walk(movecoord(coord, 0, 0, 1)); |
say | Make the player force say something | |
sound_synth | Play a synth to the player | sound_synth(found_gem, 0, 0); |
staffmodlevel | Checks the staff level of the player | 0, 1, 2 |
stat | Return the player stat you want | def_stat $cooking = stat(cooking); |
stat_base | Return the base stat level of the player you want | def_int $level = stat_base(magic); |
stat_heal | ||
uid | Gets the current player UID in the world | |
p_logout | Logout the player from the world | |
if_setcolour | Change the color of an if child | if_setcolour($component, 0x07E0); |
if_openchat | if_openchat(levelup_magic); | |
if_openmodalsideoverlay | if_openmodalsideoverlay(bank, bank_deposit); | |
if_sethide | if_sethide(crafting_jewelry:amulets_layer, false); | |
if_setobject | if_setobject(crafting_jewelry:rings1, sapphire_ring, 105); | |
if_settabactive | ||
if_setmodel | ||
if_setmodelcolour | ||
if_settabflash | ||
if_closesub | ||
if_setanim | if_setanim(player_line1:com_0, split_getanim($page)); | |
if_settab | if_settab(inventory, 3); | |
if_openmainmodal | if_openmainmodal(xplamp); | |
if_openchatsticky | ||
if_opensideoverlay | ||
if_setplayerhead | if_setplayerhead(player_line1:com_0); | |
if_settext | if_settext(quest_complete:com_3, $questmessage); | |
if_setnpchead | if_setnpchead(npc_line1:com_0, npc_type); | |
if_setposition | ||
if_multizone | ||
givexp | Give experience in a specified stat to the player | givexp(cooking, 3000); |
damage | ||
if_setresumebuttons | ||
text_gender | ||
midi_song | Play a song to the player | |
midi_jingle | Play a single to the player | midi_jingle(^treasure_hunt_win_jingle, ^treasure_hunt_win_jingle_millis); |
last_inv | ||
hintcoord | ||
cam_shake | ||
softtimer | ||
cleartimer | ||
stat_add | ||
stat_sub | ||
spotanim_pl | ||
hint_stop | ||
if_closesticky | ||
inv_clear | Completely clear an inv of objs | |
p_exactmove | Force walk the player somewhere | p_exactmove(0_49_51_61_13, 0_49_51_61_12, 30, 64, ^exact_west); |
queue | ||
busy | Checks if the player has open interfaces and is currently delayed | if (busy = true) {} |
getqueue | ||
getweakqueue | ||
p_locmerge | Merge the player with a loc. Mostly used for Agility | p_locmerge(30, 64, 0_49_51_61_12, 0_49_51_61_13); |
last_login_info | Sends the last login information to the player containing the last ip their account was logged in from. | last_login_info; |
p_teleport | Teleport the player to a specified jagex coord. Enables walk animation if the distance is short enough | p_teleport(movecoord(coord, 0, 0, 1)); |
bas_readyanim | Set the player bas readyanim (standing) seq. Use buildappearance; after setting bas seqs | bas_readyanim(human_ready); |
bas_turnonspot | Set the player bas turnonspot (turning) seq. Use buildappearance; after setting bas seqs | bas_turnonspot(human_turnonspot); |
bas_walk_f | Set the player bas walk_f (walking forward) seq. Use buildappearance; after setting bas seqs | bas_walk_f(human_walk_f); |
bas_walk_b | Set the player bas walk_b (walking backward) seq. Use buildappearance; after setting bas seqs | bas_walk_b(human_walk_b); |
bas_walk_l | Set the player bas walk_l (walking left) seq. Use buildappearance; after setting bas seqs | bas_walk_l(human_walk_l); |
bas_walk_r | Set the player bas walk_r (walking right) seq. Use buildappearance; after setting bas seqs | bas_walk_r(human_walk_r); |
bas_running | Set the player bas running (running) seq. Use buildappearance; after setting bas seqs | bas_running(human_running); |
gender | Get the gender id of the player | def_int $gender = gender; |
Name | Description | Example |
npc_finduid | ||
npc_add | Add an npc to a specified coord | npc_add($coord, npc_494, 0); |
npc_anim | Make an npc play a seq | npc_anim(seq_401, 0); |
npc_basestat | ||
npc_category | Returns the category of an npc | if (npc_category = bank_teller) {} |
npc_coord | Returns the coord of an npc | def_coord $coord = npc_coord; |
npc_del | Delete an npc from the world | if (npc_type = restless_ghost) npc_del; |
npc_delay | Delay an npc | npc_delay(2); |
npc_facesquare | Make an npc face a coord | npc_facesquare(coord); |
npc_findexact | ||
npc_findhero | Returns who killed this npc | |
npc_param | Returns an npc param | %shop_sell = npc_param(shop_sell_multiplier); |
npc_queue | ||
npc_range | Returns the distance of an npc from a coord | if (npc_range(coord) > 1) {} |
npc_say | Make an npc force say something | npc_say("Quack!"); |
npc_sethunt | ||
npc_sethuntmode | ||
npc_setmode | ||
npc_stat | ||
npc_statheal | ||
npc_type | Returns the config type for an npc | if (npc_type = doric) {} |
npc_damage | ||
npc_name | Returns the name of an npc | if (npc_name = "Doric") {} |
npc_uid | ||
npc_settimer | ||
spotanim_npc | ||
npc_findallzone | Finds all npcs within the zone of a jagex coord | npc_findallzone(coord); |
npc_findnext | Iterates through the found npcs within the zone of a jagex coord | while (npc_findnext = true) {} |
npc_tele | Teleport an npc to a specified jagex coord | npc_tele(movecoord($coord, 0, 0, 2)); |
npc_changetype | Change an npc into another npc | npc_changetype(ernest_human); |
Name | Description | Example |
loc_add | Add a loc to a specified coord | loc_add(0_45_153_8_38, loc_1546, 3, loc_shape, 2); |
loc_angle | Returns the angle of a loc | def_int $angle = loc_angle; |
loc_anim | Make a loc play a seq | loc_anim(spinningwheel); |
loc_category | Returns the category of a loc | if (loc_category = taverly_dungeon_prison_door) {} |
loc_change | ||
loc_coord | Returns the coord of a loc | def_coord $coord = loc_coord; |
loc_del | Deletes a loc from the world | loc_del; |
loc_find | Returns if a loc at a coord is found or not | if (loc_find(coord, loc_type) = true) {} |
loc_findallzone | Finds all locs within the zone of a jagex coord | loc_findallzone(coord); |
loc_findnext | Iterates through the found locs within the zone of a jagex coord | while (loc_findnext = true) {} |
loc_param | Returns a param of a loc | def_int $is_empty = loc_param(mining_rock_empty); |
loc_type | Returns the config type for a loc | if (loc_type = loc_818) {} |
loc_name | Returns the name of a loc | if (loc_name = "Magic Tree") {} |
loc_shape | Returns the shape of a loc | if (loc_shape = centrepiece_straight) {} |
Name | Description | Example |
obj_add | Add an obj to a specified coord | obj_add(coord, needle, 1, 200); |
obj_addall | ||
obj_param | Returns a param of an obj | |
obj_name | Returns the name of an obj | if (obj_name = "Coins") {} |
obj_del | Deletes an obj from the world | obj_del; |
obj_count | def_int $count = obj_count; | |
obj_type | Returns the config type for an obj | if (obj_type = coins) {} |
obj_takeitem | Move an obj from the floor to a specified inventory | obj_takeitem(inv); |
Name | Description | Example |
nc_name | Returns the name of an npc | if (nc_name(doric) = "Doric") {} |
nc_param | Returns a param of an npc | |
nc_category | Returns a category of an npc | if (nc_category(npc_494) = bank_teller) {} |
nc_desc | Returns the description of an npc | def_string $desc = nc_desc(hans); |
nc_debugname | Returns the leaked debug name of an npc | def_string $debugname = nc_debugname(hans); |
Name | Description | Example |
lc_name | Returns the name of a loc | if (lc_name(magic_tree) = "Magic Tree") {} |
lc_param | Returns a param of a loc | |
lc_category | Returns a category of a loc | if (lc_category(loc_2143) = taverly_dungeon_prison_door) {} |
lc_desc | Returns the description of a loc | def_string $desc = lc_desc(magic_tree); |
lc_debugname | Returns the leaked debug name of a loc | def_string $debugname = lc_debugname(magic_tree); |
Name | Description | Example |
oc_name | Returns the name of an obj | if (oc_name(coins) = "Coins") {} |
oc_param | Returns a param of an obj | def_coord $coord = oc_param($clue, trail_coord); |
oc_category | Returns a category of an obj | if (oc_category($clue) = trail_clue_easy) {} |
oc_desc | Returns the description of an obj | def_string $desc = oc_desc(coins); |
oc_members | Returns if an obj is members or not | if (oc_members($chocolate) = true) {} |
oc_weight | Returns the weight of an obj | def_int $weight = oc_weight(coins); |
oc_wearpos | Returns the primary slot of an obj | |
oc_wearpos2 | Returns the secondary override slot of an obj | |
oc_wearpos3 | Returns the secondary override 2 slot of an obj | |
oc_debugname | Returns the leaked debug name of an obj | def_string $debugname = oc_debugname(coins); |
oc_cert | Returns the cert of an obj | def_obj $cert_logs = oc_cert(logs); |
oc_uncert | Returns the uncert of an obj | def_obj $logs = oc_uncert(cert_logs); |
oc_stackable | Returns if an obj is stackable or not | def_boolean $stackable = oc_stackable(coins); |
Name | Description | Example |
inv_add | Add an obj to an inv. Any overflow is placed on the ground | inv_add(bank, coins, ^max_32bit_int); |
inv_changeslot | ||
inv_del | Delete an obj from an inv | inv_del(inv, coins, 10); |
inv_getobj | Return an obj from an inv | def_obj $amulet = inv_getobj(worn, 2); |
inv_itemspace2 | Returns an overflow for adding an obj to an inv | def_int $overflow = inv_itemspace2($inv, $cert_or_uncert, $amount, inv_size($inv)); |
inv_moveitem | Moves an obj from one inv to another inv | inv_moveitem(bank, $inv, $obj, sub($amount, $overflow)); |
inv_resendslot | Refreshes an inv from the input slot to the inv capacity | inv_resendslot(bank, 0); |
inv_setslot | Sets the slot of an inv with an obj | inv_setslot(crafting_rings, 3, null, 0); |
inv_size | Returns the capacity of an inv | inv_size(bank); |
inv_total | Returns the total amount of an obj in an inv | if (inv_total(inv, coins) < 10) {} |
inv_transmit | Transmits an inv to another inv | inv_transmit(inv, bank_deposit:inv); |
inv_stoptransmit | Stops transmits of an inv to another inv | inv_stoptransmit(inv, shop_sell:inv); |
inv_itemspace | Returns if there is overflow or not for adding an obj to an inv | if (inv_itemspace(inv, $slotobj, inv_total(reward_inv, $slotobj), inv_freespace(inv)) = true) {} |
inv_freespace | Returns if there is any free space in an inv | if (inv_freespace(inv) = 0) {} |
inv_allstock | Returns if an inv is an allstock. Used for shop type invs | if (inv_allstock = false) {} |
inv_exists | Returns if an obj exists in an inv | def_boolean $exists = inv_exists(inv, coins); |
inv_getnum | Returns the number of an obj in an inv | def_int $slot_count = inv_getnum(bank, $count); |
inv_moveitem_cert | Moves an obj from one inv to another inv forcing cert | inv_moveitem_cert(bank, $inv, $obj, sub($amount, $overflow)); |
inv_moveitem_uncert | Moves an obj from one inv to another inv forcing uncert | inv_moveitem_uncert($inv, bank, $obj, sub($amount, $overflow)); |
inv_movetoslot | Moves an obj from one inv to another inv. Does a direct swap if the destination slot is occupied. | inv_movetoslot(inv, worn, $from_slot, to_slot); |
inv_movefromslot | Moves an obj from one inv to another inv. Adds to the destination inv at the next available slot. Adds overflow objs to the ground similar to inv_add. | inv_movefromslot(reward_inv, inv, $from_slot); |
inv_delslot | Delete a number of obj from a specified slot in an inv | inv_delslot(worn, ^wearpos_quiver); |
inv_dropslot | Drop a specified slot from an inventory to the floor with a specified count | inv_dropslot(inv, coord, last_slot, 200); |
inv_dropitem | Drop an obj from an inventory to the floor with a specified count | inv_dropitem(inv, coord, coins, $count, 200); |
both_moveinv |
Name | Description | Example |
enum | ||
enum_getoutputcount |
Name | Description | Example |
append_num | ||
append | ||
append_signnum | ||
lowercase | ||
tostring | ||
compare | ||
append_char | ||
string_length | ||
substring | ||
string_indexof_char | ||
string_indexof_string | ||
uppercase |
Name | Description | Example |
add | ||
sub | ||
multiply | ||
divide | ||
random | ||
randominc | ||
interpolate | ||
setbit | ||
testbit | ||
modulo | ||
pow | ||
invpow | ||
and | ||
or | ||
max | ||
min | ||
scale | ||
bitcount | ||
togglebit | ||
setbit_range | ||
clearbit_range | ||
getbit_range | ||
setbit_range_toint | ||
sin_deg | ||
cos_deg | ||
atan2_deg | ||
abs |
Name | Description | Example |
db_find_with_count | ||
db_findnext | ||
db_getfield | ||
db_getfieldcount | ||
db_listall_with_count | ||
db_getrowtable | ||
db_findbyindex | ||
db_find_refine_with_count | ||
db_find | ||
db_find_refine | ||
db_listall |
Name | Description | Example |
error | ||
active_npc | ||
.active_npc | ||
active_player | ||
.active_player | ||
active_loc | ||
.active_loc | ||
active_obj | ||
.active_obj |