The Objective of this DApp is to build a Decentralised Banking Dapp running on Rinkeby.
Make sure you are connected to Rinkeby Testnet in MetaMask
- Check Bank Contract Address
- Check Bank Balance
- Check Personal Account Address
- Check Personal Account Balance
- Check Ether Wallet Balance
- Deposit Ethers to the Bank
- Withdraw Ethers from the Bank
- Transfer Ethers from one account to another
- html
- JavaScript
- Web3.js
- Clone the Repo
- Install "npm init"
- Login to infura & create Project Bank and copy the endpoint URL
- Replace the Endpoint url in truffle-config.js file (line: 13) & replace in index.html file @ line:189
- Replace your "mnemonic" in truffle-config.js file (line: 2)
- Compile smart contract by using "truffle compile"
- Migrate smart contract by using "truffle migrate --reset --network haitwik"
- Cosoles by using "truffle console --reset --network haitwik"
- You will be moved to "truffle(haitwik)>" shel
- Initiate constructor by using ""
- Copy the contract address and replace in index.html file @ line:317
- Run “npm run dev”
- Interact with the DApp
If you face any issues, feel free to reach me at, Visit: