This repository contains code for Zebrafish Courtship-related Social Behavior Automated Recognition (ZCSBAR). We provide an offline data augmentation method that is suitable for cases with missing data annotations and improves recognition accuracy under multi-object overlapping occlusion. We support network training with different annotation formats, utilizing the effective yolov8-pose detection model. For more information, please refer to the arXiv preprint.
We provide an effective online tracking method for closed containers, supporting tracking results in MOT format (for tracking performance validation), as well as .npy or .json output formats (for future behavior recognition or temporal localization tasks). Currently, we have open-sourced a demo that includes zebrafish tracking tests, where the Reid mode is specifically designed for identifying male and female zebrafish. Using Reid identification ensures tracking for up to 10 minutes, provided that the number of identified animals is 2. The online tracking method supports multiple animals. If you require longer identity tracking, please ensure optimal external factors such as lighting and water quality. This video Link shows the movement of zebrafish during courtship behavior. High-speed cameras were used to record the tracking effect of the zebrafish courtship in an aquarium environment.
The code is compatible with Python 3. The following dependencies are needed to run ZCSBAR:
- NumPy==1.24.1
- OpenCV==
- ultralytics==8.2.101
- lap
- filterpy>=1.4.0
- matplotlib==3.7.5
- yaml
- skimage
Additionally, feature generation requires Pytorch (>= 2.1).
Step 1.Clone the repository:
git clone
Step 2.Create a new virtual environment.
conda create -n ZCSBAR python=3.8.19
Step 3.In the command line terminal, switch to this virtual environment. Enter the main directory of the current folder through the cd command.
pip install requirements.txt
Step 4.Then, download pre-generated pose and Reid checkpoint file from
Please place the downloaded weights in the models
At the same time, we provide benchmark videos here for prediction. Its basic path needs to be configured in config.yaml.
NOTE: Our pre-trained zebrafish behavior recognition pose model, which is trained by the Zebrash tracking data set proposed in this paper. The Reid re-identification model is obtained by binary classification of the appearance characteristics of female and male fish.
This is suitable for long-term tracking of courting animals, with the Reid mode enabled. Please place
the downloaded model weights into the models
folder and configure the tracking-related parameters in
the config.yaml file, ensuring Anormaly_detection['fixnum']=2
and Anormaly_detection['status']=True
and set vediodir='input the path of the prediction video'
python --command tracking_demo
NOTE: Currently, only the augmentation mode with two objects is available.
If you need to use this feature, please add an aug
folder in the dataset/[Dataset_root]
directory with the following structure:
├── BackGround/ # Store background images
├── input/ # Store images in the format image1.png, image1.json
├── output_images/ # Store output images and YOLO format annotations
├── visual/ # Visualize the augmentation effects
└── trajectory.pkl # Store the movement trajectory of male and female zebrafish
Configure the relevant parameters in the config.yaml
file for data_aug
, then run:
python --command Dataaug
Place the annotated files into the dataset/[Dataset_root]/origin
directory, with the format
shown in dataset/example/origin
, where the txt files are in YOLO format. Configure the relevant parameters in the config.yaml
for data_division
,then run:
python --command DataDivision
Configure the relevant parameters in the config.yaml
file for training
, then run:
python --command training
Please place the trained pose weights in the models
folder and set the weight path in the config.yaml
The trained pose recognition weights can be used for tracking multiple zebrafish targets,
supporting only online tracking. The Reid function will be released in a future version.
Configure the relevant parameters in the config.yaml
file for tracking, then run:
python --command tracking_operation
methodA: [intersection, 3] # [method, num_sample]
methodB: [traject, 5] # method including: intersection, norm / traject
# num_sample: generate num_sample*num_sample images by one image / numbers of trajectory per image
Dataset_root: Fish
original: original
format: 1 # 1: yolo, 2: labelme, 3: x-anylabel, 4: coco
test_frac: 0.2 # train/test frac
train: dataset/Fish/train
val: dataset/Fish/val
kpt_shape: [5, 3] # [joints number, [x, y, conf]]
0: fish
epochs: 70
imgsz: 640
batch: 16
device: 0
workers: 0
model: yolov8m-pose # yolov8n-pose, yolov8m-pose, yolov8l-pose
pose_model: models/ # tracking_demo using anormalydect-reid-fpsort method
tracking_method: FP-sort # FP-sort, P-sort, FP-delta-sort
K_value: 20 # if using FP-delta-sort, set value K from 0~150 for better tracking performance
joints: 5 # model input joint number
status: True
model_PATH: models/
status: True # Ensure only two target objects in the video
fixnum: 2 # object nums
vediodir: D:\user\Fish\video # input predict video file path
save_video: True
save_json: True
show: True
In package ZCSBAR
is the main code:
: Converts COCO annotation format to
: Tracking effect visualization
: Data augmentation
: Data division
: Extracts frames from videos for data
: Converts LabelMe annotation format to
: This is the multi-target tracker
: This is the multi-target tracker
: This is the multi-target tracker config
: Module for training the pose model.
If you find this repo useful in your research, please contact us:
Author: ZhanShu JingJingZhang