MoreChatGLM 是一款专为 ChatGLM 平台设计的用户脚本,旨在优化用户界面,增强功能体验。
- 安装 Tampermonkey 插件。
- 前往 MoreChatGLM 用户脚本页面 安装脚本。
- 访问 智谱清言 (ChatGLM) 网站,操作Logo下方的 MoreChatGLM 菜单。
欢迎贡献代码和改进意见!请通过 Issue 提交您的反馈,或者直接发起 Pull Request。
如果你觉得这个项目对你有帮助,可以给我一个 Star ⭐ 或者 Follow 🎉。
本项目基于 Apache 2.0 License 开源。
MoreChatGLM is a user script designed specifically for the ChatGLM platform to optimize the user interface and enhance functionality.
- Simplified Floating Menu: Offers convenient operations for improved efficiency.
- Conversation Scrollbar: Displays a scrollbar in the chat window for easier record browsing.
- Chat Bubbles: Differentiates user and system messages with a chat-style interface.
- Wide-Screen Chat: Maximizes the chat window for better content visibility.
- Quick Clear Button: Quickly clears the input box.
- Quick Desensitization Button: One-click desensitization of input content.
- Configurable Desensitization Rules: Use regular expressions to desensitize chat content as needed.
- Install the Tampermonkey extension.
- Visit the MoreChatGLM User Script Page to install the script.
- Go to the ChatGLM Website and access the MoreChatGLM menu below the logo.
We welcome code contributions and suggestions for improvement! Submit your feedback via Issues or create a Pull Request directly.
If this project has been helpful to you, please consider giving it a Star ⭐ or Follow 🎉.
This project is open-sourced under the Apache 2.0 License.