diff --git a/docs/cli-reference.md b/docs/cli-reference.md
index 09903434a..a581595ef 100644
--- a/docs/cli-reference.md
+++ b/docs/cli-reference.md
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Creates a new wallet account.
 This command has three optional flags:
 - `--storage-mode <TYPE>`: Used to select the storage mode of the account (private if not specified). It may receive "private" or "public".
 - `--mutable`: Makes the account code mutable (it's immutable by default).
-- `--extra_components <TEMPLATE_FILES_LIST>`: Allows to pass a list of account component template files which can be added to the account. If the templates contain placeholders, the CLI will prompt the user to enter the required data for instantiating storage appropriately.
+- `--extra-components <TEMPLATE_FILES_LIST>`: Allows to pass a list of account component template files which can be added to the account. If the templates contain placeholders, the CLI will prompt the user to enter the required data for instantiating storage appropriately.
 After creating an account with the `new-wallet` command, it is automatically stored and tracked by the client. This means the client can execute transactions that modify the state of accounts and track related changes by synchronizing with the Miden node.
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Creates a new faucet account.
 This command has three optional flags:
 - `--storage-mode <TYPE>`: Used to select the storage mode of the account (private if not specified). It may receive "private" or "public".
 - `--non-fungible`: Makes the faucet asset non-fungible (it's fungible by default).
-- `--extra_components <TEMPLATE_FILES_LIST>`: Allows to pass a list of account component template files which can be added to the account. If the templates contain placeholders, the CLI will prompt the user to enter the required data for instantiating storage appropriately.
+- `--extra-components <TEMPLATE_FILES_LIST>`: Allows to pass a list of account component template files which can be added to the account. If the templates contain placeholders, the CLI will prompt the user to enter the required data for instantiating storage appropriately.
 After creating an account with the `new-faucet` command, it is automatically stored and tracked by the client. This means the client can execute transactions that modify the state of accounts and track related changes by synchronizing with the Miden node.