For fun and study, with some vy (and maybe a lil py).
- New dynamic arrays with vyper 0.3.3; the swap would have previously needed a rawcall (can see interface.vy).
- Will recover usdc sent to the SushiV2Router on goerli.
- removeLiquidityETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens, can be used to rescue tokens stuck at an address, hold tight HK for first showing me that one.
- There are some variations on it, you can get mileage from the concept of burning tokens to free tokens.
- instructions: none
- What a weth implemented in vyper might look like.
- Some noteable diffs in the fallback and deposit, as you can't call functions pre declaration in vyper, nor call an external function internally.
- Can also note a lack of requires or asserts, since they arent needed, vyper will revert on underflow.
- Will launch a standard WETH9 style contract, chain agnostic.
- Features support for infinate approval
- Have gone for constants in some cases to save on gas
- Instructions: none
- Ease with which we can perform a flash loan via bentobox.
- Will deploy a simple contract one can use to test the flash loan function of bentobox on any network where bento is deployed.
- Instructions: constructor takes weth and bento address. Send the contract enough of the token to repay, then call the borrow function.
📝 Will add more flash loan examples on other contracts
- What a vy implementation of the vault from solidity--by-example might look like
- Will deploy a simple vault implimentation that will mint and burn shares, paying out an amount proportional to any profit or loss in that period.
- Instructions: constructor takes address of the 'farm' token.
- vy implementation of a chain link price oracle
- Will deploy a simple oracle contract that can pull price from a feed.
- Instructions: Tested on ethereum, set feed address if deploying elsewhere.
- A variety of external functions calls, interfacing with contracts, includes a work around for handling dynamic arrays pre 0.3.3
- Will launch an "interfacestation" that you can use to view a balance of a token, total supply or exchange two tokens using the router provided.
- instructions: constructor arguments include weth, and router address. Any univ2 style router should work, grab the weth address from the router.
- Minimum viable token, used in other testing.
- Will deploy a simple token, sending the total supply to deployer. Contract features just 3 writable functions, approve, transfer and transferFrom. chain agnostic.
- Instructions: constructor takes 4 parameters, name (string), symbol(string), decimals(uint256), and supply(uint256)