Version 1.3.2
Several options are available depending on your needs :
- Download the latest release.
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- run
npm install
oryarn install
- Once all the dependencies installed, run
to compile the sass
- Download the latest version of better-grid.scss
- You'll find a ready-to use better-grid.css right here, you lazy.
Every website needs a layout system: Bootstrap provides a very complete one, and so does every CSS framework on this planet. If you don't want to use any framework but you still need a great layout system, I might have what you're looking for. Better grid offers nothing but a light-weight layout system, based on css grid.
Within the download you'll find the following directories and files, one uncompiled version, and one compiled & minified version :
└── sass/
├── better-grid.scss
└── build/
├── better-grid.css
└── gulpfile.js
Better grid is based on grillade, the layout system of KNACSS framework.
You'll find the complete guide here :
Even with auto-prefixer on and with a lot of good will, Internet Explorer is always full of (bad) suprises. better grid has a fallback for browsers down to IE 9. Want to go further back in time? Well, instead of writing dozens of CSS lines to fix your layout, just ask yourself: how retro-compatible does my website need to be for my customers?
According to W3Counter, in January 2019 :
| Browser | Global usage |
| IE 8 | 0.3% |
| IE 9 | 1% |
| IE10 | 0.2% |
| IE11 | 2.8% |