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The environment was solved using a deep reinforcement learning agent. The implementation can be found in the continuous_control-directory. contains the rl-agent and contains the neural networks used as the estimators. A lot of the code was taken from the Udacity ddpg-pendulum exercise and adapted to the needs of this problem.

Learning algorithm

DDPG which is an actor-critic approach was used as the learning algorithm for the agent. This algorithm is quite similar to DQN, but also manages to solve tasks with continuous action spaces. As an off-policy algorithm DDPG utilizes four neural networks: a local actor, a target actor, a local critic and a target critic Each training step the experience (state, action, reward, next state) the 20 agents gained was stored. Then every second training step the agent learned from a random sample from the stored experience. The actor tries to estimate the optimal policy by using the estimated state-action values from the critic while critic tries to estimate the optimal q-value function and learns by using a normal q-learning approach. Using this approach one gains the benefits of value based and policy based methods at the same time.


The following hyperparameters were used:

  • replay buffer size: 1e6
  • max timesteps: 3000 (all episodes get shutdown after 3000 timesteps)
  • minibatch size: 256
  • discount factor: 0.99
  • tau (soft update for target networks factor): 1e-3
  • learning rate: 1e-4 (actor) and 1e-3 (critic)
  • update interval (how often to learn): 2
  • beta start (factor for the noise added to the actions selected by the actor): 0.1
  • beta decay factor: 0.995
  • min beta: 0.01

Neural networks

The actor model is a simple feedforward network:

  • Batch normalization
  • Input layer: 33 (input) neurons (the state size)
  • 1st hidden layer: 128 neurons (leaky relu)
  • 2nd hidden layer: 128 neurons (leaky relu)
  • output layer: 4 neurons (1 for each action) (tanh)

The critic model:

  • Batch normalization
  • Input layer: 33 (input) neurons (the state size)
  • 1st hidden layer: 132 neurons (action with action_size 4 added) (leaky relu)
  • 2nd hidden layer: 128 neurons (leaky relu)
  • output layer: 1 neuron


The agent was able to solve the environment after 133 episodes achieving an average score of 30.11 over the last 100 episodes of the training.

The average scores of the 20 agents during the training process: scores

possible future improvements

The algorithm could be improved in many ways. For example one could implement some DQN improvements, for example Prioritized Experience Replays which would improve the learning effect gained from the saved experience. Also true parallel algorithms like A3C could be tried out.