On July 04, 2023, the Alpes-Maritimes departmental archives are migrating their tools to a new website. The old website is still functional, but may not remain so for much longer, so the current wrapper implementation (AD06 and CG06) are set to break in the next few days.
- Files are no longer kept busy
- Images are no longer downloaded twice
- Added buttons to go to the next/previous page
- Migrate to Avalonia 11.0.0-rc1
- Discord RPC
- Overhaul of the logic behind the register list
- List items no longer remain selected after a click
- Ensure single instance
- Some improvements to AD06
- Improved cadastral support
- Correction of the creation of an empty district
- Use CallNumber field instead of Notes
- Sources imprimées
- Tests
Mac users, you may encounter a message stating that the "App Is Damaged and Can’t Be Opened", this is due to the fact that the application is not signed, all you need to do is run this command to add the application to the exception list:
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /path/to/GeneaGrab.app