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A lightweight encryption based Password Safe. This was a NCEA level 2 High school project coded in Python 3.4.3. This program features the ability to Add / Change / Remove Apps and their passwords associated. Users must create an account, they will login in to their account with an email address and an entry pincode they have choosen.
NO SERVERS, Everything is purely on your computer
- Python 3.4 GUI or Higher (32 Bit or 64 Bit)
No Add-ons required!!! This program works with just the Python Vanilla Libraries :)
- Clone entire repository
- Go to your file save location (May Require Unzipping)
- Run the file "Key Safe.py" in CMD OR
- Open in IDLE
- Press F5 to Run
- Go to Key Safe Final.py and CTRL+A & CTRL+C to select all text and copy to clipboard
- Go to Python IDLE
- File - New File
- CTRL+V to paste entire code into the file
- CTRL+S to save file, (This can be saved as any filename)
Once the program is running you should be prompted with the menu below:
The first thing you want to do is create an account so press "2" and press enter. Enter first name, as shown below
Enter your email address (This is for logging in, so don't forget it)
Finally in the Account setup, enter your pincode! (This is also for logging in and changing your pincode in the future)
Pincode must follow the Pincode rules else the program will not continue